Jealousy and apologies

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-/-/-/-/- will stand for a flashback
Y/n's Pov

It's a Friday so that means most people will actually be looking forward in going to school today. Well, most people except for me, because school means I get to see him again.
It started a few years back, when I was in the sixth grade, when we were in the sixth grade. But, we were in different sections though, how I fell for him was a mystery, and so was how we found out, but ever since he did, he avoided me.

Now that I'm in y/g, we got sorted into the same section, hell, we even have the same schedules. We became friends-err frenemies, we'd bicker from time to time, but when we're not, we actually seem pretty close; key word: seem. When he avoided me, I immediately wanted to discard my feelings, but I couldn't, it was hard to, I fell too hard.

But now that I actually got to know him, we had a lot in common, in fact we had too much in common. I fell for him again to my dismay. And due to my stupidity, I told his friends who told him. He found out again. And now he's avoiding me again, treating me like a ghost, the only time he'd actually talk to me was when he needed something, but that was then, and now he won't even ask to borrow a pencil from me, he used to always ask me. We used to be close.

But I had to fall again.

And now I'm once again broken.

The day I confronted him, it was the worst day of my life.


I called out his name, and he immediately turned around. He rose a brow and he seemed annoyed, " what? What do you want l/n" he half snapped, making me cringe, he'd never been to me like this before. " why? Why are you avoiding me?" I asked rather sheepishly as I clutched the books that were in my hands. " because, I don't like you. And being around you knowing that you like me makes it awkward for me. It's awkward just talking to you!" I swallowed the lump in my throat," b-but, I love yo-" he cut of my stutter" WELL I DON'T! I don't love you nonetheless like you! I never loved you! So just-agh! Just stay away from me!" He said as he pushed me, hard. I fell to the floor, the books scattering throughout the hallway as he left. I sobbed and cried and sobbed and cried.


It was the day I lost everything, the day I lost all that I loved.


I ran down the hall, past everyone and their curious glares. After I confronted him, I didn't go home, I stayed later that usual. I wasn't supposed to. I got a call from the police, my parents got murdered, and so did my little sis.

She would always go home early, and my parents would be home five minutes after her. But I was supposed to be home before all of them. I pushed passed the people crowding the hall which seemed longer than usual. The police said that a killer was waiting for them, he was waiting for me, but he bolted once he heard the sirens. Well that was the theory at least.

I ran home, but as I did I bumped into c/n," HEY! Watch where you're going! I told you to stay awa-" I groaned and pushed passed him as tears were flowing down my face once more. I few blocks later I saw my house, it was crowded with police as an ambulance was parked by the many cop cars.

I pushed by the police tapes and burst into my front door. I wanted to see them. But now I regret wishing it.

There their bodies were, scattered on the floor. They were mutilated. But what stood out the most was the smiles that were carved on their faces. " Y/n..." I turned and faced my aunt. Her red and puffy eyes were now glossy as she opened her arms to me. I shook my head to try to rid the tears as I ran to hug her. I sobbed into her shoulder as she comforted me.

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