Fictional fiasco

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Y/n's Pov

Okay. First of all, I love books, but not in a nerdy kind of way.... Maybe geeky, but still. I have read PJO, Harry Potter, hunger games, maze runner and many more. Anyway.. I started gaining crushes on fictional characters. Percy, Luke, Fred, ghale, newt, Minho, and other fictionals. I started making oc's for almost every fandom I'm in. And believe me when I say, that's hell of a lot.

I only have one non-fictional crush, and his name is c/n H/l/n. Sure he doesn't have fictional perks but at least he's real...... I started getting crushes on fictionals when I first found out that he didn't like me, Then I guess I needed a hobby, so I started reading. Then that's when it happened.

I'm in so many fandoms that most people go to me for question on a certain fandom. Most people even started calling me wiki. I'm the type of fandom member that can do blogs, Fanart and fanfic, and fan made songs.

Books fandoms aren't the only fandoms I'm in, there's gaming fandoms, youtuber fandoms, movie fandoms etc. I was in the middle of a convo with one of my internet friends, most people know him as thelivingtombstone. I was trying to talk him into making a fnaf 4 song, but he won't budge.

" y/n!!!" Bf/n shouted. I sweat dropped and said goodbye to TLT and faced my very energetic friend. " sup bf/n, whadduya want?" I asked, as I raised a brow. " welllllll......
C/nsaidthatheneededhelpwithaprojectandhetoldmetotellyoutomeethiminthelibrary." She said in one breath, I was surprisingly able to catch what she had said even without any subtitles.

I shook my head playfully at her behavior, then asked her to do an errand for me. I told her to buy me a f/drink in Starbucks, seeing that c/n's project may take some energy. Bf/n agreed and bolted out. I made my way towards the school library only to be greeted by a frantic c/n. " Y/N! THANK GOD YOU'RE HERE", " ummm... Yeah.... What is your project exactly..?" I asked, he smiled softly and gestured for me to follow him inside.

I followed him to a private cubicle of the library, my eyes widened in shock as I saw the many many books scattered around, I started wondering why the librarian hadn't scolded him yet." Well you see... My English teacher gave us a project where we need to research on a book and find a character that closely related to us. Buuuuut... It was assigned to us last week..... And the deadline's tomorrow.."," so you needed someone with book info so you decided to call me?" He nodded sheepishly." Well then, let's start."


I cracked my fingers as I had finished typing the essay part of the project... Well technically... It was the whole project... So we were done. I gave c/n a thumbs up and a smile as he sighed in relief. We then proceeded to place all the books back on the shelves. I took a sip of my f/d," hey y/n?","yeah?"...." Thanks for helping me out." I smiled at him,"no problem." I scooped up some other books and began arranging them. I went to get the next batch, but as I was walking back to the shelves, I accidentally tripped on one of the books that was scattered on the floor, I closed my eyes and waited for the impact, but when I opened my eyes again, I was greeted with c/n's h/e/c ones. I blushed but didn't move, his hands were holding my waist, and one of my arms was around his neck, he chuckled," let's see your fictional character do that y/n." I huffed, and stood properly, I mumbled" well, at least I know that my fictional characters actually like me back.", he turned," what was that?","n-nothing.","okay."

I was quiet for the next five minutes, fumbling with anything I could get my hands on.
"you know y/n, a lot of people know that you crush on fictionals, including me obviously." I raised a brow," so?"

"Real people are better than fictionals."

"Oh please,"

" I bet that you don't even have a crush on anyone real."

" I do."

" then stick with them."

" but here's the problem:
Fictional crush | Real crush
Pros: LOVE me. | Real
Cons: Not Real. | Doesn't like me."

" how are even sure that he doesn't like you?"

" he hangs out with this other girl, and he seems to LIKE her....ALOT"

" why don't you ask him?"

" I don't wanna risk anything."

" ....... Still.... I can prove it to you that real people are better."

I didn't reply, I only looked down. He moved closer to me," can a fictional look into your eyes?" He said as he stared into my eyes,"can a fictional sit next to you?" He said, sitting closer to me,"can a fictional put their arms around you?" He said, doing so," can a fictional hold your hand," he said, interlacing his fingers with mine, I blushed," and the most important of all..." I faced him

" can a fictional kiss you like I will?" And with that, he kissed me. My eyes widened in shock, it took me a while to process what was happening before kissing back.

" NO PDA IN THE LIBRARY! DETENTION MR. H/L/N!" The librarian scolded. He huffed as we parted," how come she didn't give you detention?", I giggled." I have my ways."

" well at least this little fictional fiasco is settled."

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