Math pays off...i guess

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Y/n's pov

I jolted out of my bed, startled by the sudden noise, but then i accidentally ended up landing face first onto my bedroom floor, i groaned as i turn off my alarm clock, then started to get ready for school.

As i got out of the shower, towel around me, i glanced at my alarm clock '7:45', my eyes widen as i scurried over to my closet and hurriedly search for my outfit, ' I'M LATE,I'M LATE,I'M LATE' was the only thought that ran through my mind as i struggled to get my arm through my sweater sleeve. I ran out of my room while combing my h/c hair.

i stopped by the kitchen to get a quick snack, then i noticed a plate with some white bread and a note on the island. I read the note as fast as i could.

'Dear, y/n

Your father and i won't be back until after a week or so, i left you some bread for breakfast, and some money under the plate, the amount should last until we're back.

Love, mom~'

I put the note down and took the bread. As i was about the take a bite, i glanced at the kitchen clock... AND I HAVE TWENTY MINUTES TO GET TO SCHOOL! I put the bread in my mouth and let it hang freely as i slung my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my remaining textbooks. I dashed over towards the door and locked it as soon as i had closed it.

~~timeskip on the way to school, 10 minutes till school starts~

i was running as fast as i could towards the schools entrance, then, a piece of paper flew out of my grasp, causing me to divert my gaze, making me bump into someone as my textbooks landed on the floor.

" oh, i'm sorry, i didn't see you" we both said in unison, although my voice was muffled because i still had that loaf of bread hanging form my mouth. I looked up at the person i bumped into, and i just so happened to be my crush, c/n. I blushed, realizing how stupid i probably looked with bread in my mouth. " oh, y/n! Sorry, i didn't se-" i cut him off by waving my hands in the air, gesturing him that it was alright. He smiled and helped me pick up my stuff, but we reached for the same paper, causing our hands to touch, we glanced at each other, then quickly pulled away, my math quiz in his hand, he read it and seemed a bit shocked at first, then he had a look of triumphant realization.

" woah, 25/25, nice" he smiled at me as he handed me back my quiz," maybe you can tutor me sometime? Maybe.... Later? After school?" He asked, scratching his head, i nodded as i took the quiz with my left hand and put it together with my textbooks, which were now back in my grasp. Then, i removed the bread from my mouth and continued," sure, i'd love to... I mean, yeah, i'm free later... You know.... For tutoring.." I laughed nervously. He smiled, then took my textbooks awaaaay from my grasp. " let me help you, i mean, we do have the same homeroom..."," yeah and if we don't hurry we'll be late" i informed, " then let's go!" And with that, he took my hand and led my into the school, both of us running.

~~timeskip, after school, at home~~

I was sitting on the couch, wearing a tank top and some shorts, just then,  i heard someone knocking on my door. I walked towards it and opened it, only to be greeted by the one and only, c/n. " oh, hey y/n! Im ready for some tutori-" he stopped as he saw what i was wearing. GAAH! I totally forgot about that!  I mentally facepalmed as i excused myself. I closed the door and put on a sweater." You can come in now." I informed, he did as i said, but when he came in, he was blushing, i told him to sit on the couch as i locked my front door.

" sooooo, it's just you here?" He asked as i sat down beside him," nope, my parents are just.. On a business trip for a week or so." He nodded," so, which part of math do you need to be tutored?" I asked, he groaned" every part" he answered as he slouched on mah couch, i giggled, as i taught him the basics.

~timeskip, cuz i cant write a math problem right~

"So now, you need to do that exact formula to get the answer your looking for, got that?", " i guess" he said, trying to answer a problem i gave him. Then he stopped, and turned to me, a smirk on his face," you know....." He started, moving closer to me," ... Maybe i just need..." He leaned in, and i did too," ...the right motivation." Then, he crashed his lips onto mine.

After a few minutes, we broke the kiss, gasping for air. I grinned as he pulled me closer to him," was that motivational enough?" I asked, he lifted my chin with his finger, making me face him. " nope" and with that, he once again crashed his lips onto mine, but for sure, there was one thing running in both of our minds.

'Math sure pays off'

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