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For the bf/n, please us a guy bestfriend for this chapter, thnx


Y/n's Pov- 5 pm

I lay on my bed, feeling as sick as ever, Somehow, I managed to get a fever and a cold, at the same time. My nose is from all that blowing, and not to mention the rough tissue that we have. And the fact that I was supposed to meet c/n at the arcade today made it worse. C/n and I aren't close friends, but we aren't distant ones either, it was very seldom for him to ask me to hang out with him.

I sigh as my mom 'quietly' opens the door to check up on me. She then takes out the thermometer I forgot I had under my tongue,"39.9?! Y/n, your fever is growing hotter and hotter by the minute!" She sighs before pecking a kiss on my forehead," I have to work, luckily, I was able to get one of your friends to watch over you till I get home" I sit up," and when will you get home exactly?" I ask, emphasizing the word 'when'. She sighs once more,"I won't be back until dawn..... Just tell your friend to use the air mattress that you have in your closet."," and the pillows and blanket?"," just lend him some okay? Love you, bye" she said, walking out the door, then my eyes widen in realization," WAIT DID SHE JUST SAY HE?!" Just then, the doorbell rings. I groan before getting up to open the door.

When I had reached the door, I slowly opened it, just to add suspense to whoever my mom called over.
And to my surprise that person was bf/n," herro" he greeted, I roll my eyes," so you're the one mom called over?" I asked," yep" bf/n said, popping the 'p'," oh, and I hope that you don't mind but...."he started," but?"," .....I may ditch you with someone else.....","WHAT? Seriously?"I yelled," yeah sorry, I have to go elsewhere, besides, you're gonna be in goooood hands" he informed, a small smirk was placed on his face. I groan," so when is he gonna be here?" I ask grumpily," he'll be here in a few minutes. Bye!" Bf/n exclaimed, darting away from the house.

I mumble some colorful words before heading back towards my room. But once I was under the comfort of my blanket, the doorbell rang once again, making me curse before, stomping towards the door, I take a deep breath, trying to breathe out all the anger, then, I opened the door softly, only to be greeted by c/n's e/c eyes, I grumble," so you're bf/n's replacement huh? Just, come in, take a seat, do whatever you want. I just wanna go to sleep." C/n chuckled at my choice of words," careful, Jeff might just pay you a visit tonight" he joked, while getting inside the house," well then, I'll make sure that he gets you first." I played along, locking the door in the process. We laughed at our little jokes before silence takes its place," but seriously though, I'm gonna go to bed."," okay, if you'll need me, Just scream really loudly." He said while giving me a thumbs up. I chuckle before heading to bed, and fall into a deep sleep.

~ timeskip~

I woke up to the sound of chatter in my room. I opened my eyes to see c/n standing by the door, back facing me, talking into his phone. I Decided to pretend to be sleeping, you know.... Just to see what he'd do... It not creepy.

(The conversation bold is for bf/n while normal is for c/n, p.s you could only hear c/n part of the convo)

"yeah, she's actually sleeping right now"
" cool, I bet that you're actually amused that I got you as replacement"
" w-what? Why the heck would you say that?"
" oh, come on, I know that you like y/n, heck, everyone does, well, except for y/n herself"
" sh-shut up"
" but, still, she does kinda look cute when she sleeps. Kinda like sleeping beauty."
"You mean, aurora?"
"Aurora.... Yeah, I think I'll call her that from now on."
" dawwww, young love!"
" If only I could strangle you from here."
[chuckle]" yeah, anyways, I gotta go, bye."

(End of convo)

I blushed, like really really hard. But I kept my eyes closed. Then, I heard footsteps coming towards the bed,then I felt something soft on my forehead, I blushed, realizing that c/n just kissed my forehead, "sweet dreams my sleeping beauty, get well soon. I hate seeing you sick. I love you..... Like, so much.." He said, caressing my hair, as I felt the weight shift on my bed, I couldn't take it anymore, I squirmed a little before 'waking up' and rubbing my eyes groggily, " hey, good..... Morning?" I greeted, sounding more like a question, c/n chuckled," it's actually 9 pm now. You kinda slept for four hours.", I blinked a few times before answering," oh, so that means, 10 hours until dawn?", " yep" I scooted closer to him.

"Oh and c/n?", " yes.....aurora?" He smirked, I moved closer to him, practically straddling him," I wasn't asleep, I heard everything." I informed him, causing him to blush a deep Crimson. " soo?", I raised a brow," so, what?"," ' so do you like me back?' So", I pulled him closer," doe this answer your question?" And with that, I pushed my lips against his, he was shocked at first, but then immediately kissed back afterwards. We then parted for air," I'm taking that as a yes." He chuckled. " so, will you be mine?" He asked, I decided to joke."hmmmmm, lemme think about it...... Nope!" I said, popping the 'p', he then pouted, and groaned." But-!"," I'm just kidding." I cut him off, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "yeah,I'll be yours-oh wait- I already was." I said, biting my lip.

Third person

The rest of the night was perfect for the two, they played vgames, watched movies, and nerf fights.
Y/n almost forgot that she was sick. They enjoyed each other's company.

Y/n's mother came home early, she then had to explain to her why bf/n wasn't the one who watched over her, but what shocked the girl was that her mother already knew, and had basically set her up with her crush, this caused the two lovebirds to blush madly while the mother was busy. laughing at them.

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