Difference (will you prt4)

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3rd POV

A month has passed since y/n's first day as secretary, her ankle has healed and she hasn't had much trouble with her work, in fact, today was a dull, boring day, there was nothing for her to work on. The h/c haired girl sighed as she removed he wedges," I hate heels, 'it's too inappropriate to wear sneakers with a dress to work' they said,' you must act like a proper lady, it'll be fun!' They said." The girl shook her head and removed her hair from the bun she formerly had.

She removed the black leather jacket she wore, revealing a sleeveless black dress, that stopped mid thigh, and a small slit on the side. She made her way to the bean bag I her office and sat on it. She turned on the TV and tinted her glass wall. Surprisingly nothing good was on, making the 27 year-old groan," what is this? Bore the hell out of y/n day?" She leaned on the bean bag, and soon dozed off.

Meanwhile, Darren was listening to music, when the song ' locked away- by R.city'  played, as the lyrics brought interest to his ears, he immediately blushed, as the thought of none other than Y/n L/n popped into his head, he buried his face into his hands, as he remembered the time he made you laugh, God, did he love your laugh, especially your smile, your E/c eyes as the shone with excitement whenever she was amazed.

Over the course of the last month, he began falling for her. The girl who needed love. He knew how you suffered from your 'unrequited love' for c/n, his younger brother had become more of a douche, a tool, and needless to say, a fuckboy. Darren shook his head and decided to check up on you, knowing how you can get easily bored sometimes.

As he entered the girl's office, he made a small knock," y/n?" He called out softly, he looked around the office, till his eyes landed on your sleeping form, he shook his head playfully and walked up to you, she had been falling off the beanbag, as pieces h/c hair were in different directions, you were curled up in a ball silently dreaming.

There your boss stood, In front of you, he chuckled softly due to your actions, and decided to leave you be, as he was walking away, you began to raise your hand, almost as if reaching out to something, Darren arched his brow, that when you began to sleep talk," n-NOOO, please don't leave me... Waffle! Don't.... leave! I just want to eat you..." You mumbled as you began reaching out more, this caused Darren to smile, he bent down to you and decided to wake you up before anything weird happens.

"N/n, wake up.." He said softly, he knew you were awake when you opened both your eyes, and swatted your hand at him, trying to shoo him away," noooo, I wanna sleep dude, let me be!" You said as you buried your face into the bean bag." If you don't... I'll-ill kiss you.." He dared, you rolled your eyes and lifted your face from the bean bag, and laid on it, you stuck your tough at him and closed your eyes once more," okay,but remember, I warned you.." The Girl began to blush as she felt his lips nearing her own, once it was only a few inches away, she finally broke.

" okay okay! Jeez I didn't know you wanted me that badly." The girl stated as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail, Darren blushed, unnoticed by y/n however," whatever" he stated, you began to laugh," it just a joke! Sorry"

The two remained in their places, y/n sitting on one leg, as she leaned onto Darren, and Darren sitting Indian seat. Silence grew amongst them, and so did tension, his mind was racing, and so was his heart, he'd been wanting to ask you out on a date for so long, and he decided to do so now.
" so, umm, y/n.. Do you wanna... Catch a movie or something? There's really nothing to do today.." He asked, fiddling with his hands," sure! Let's go!" She said standing up, as she began to put on her shoes," Great! It's a date then!" His eyes widened when he realized he said that, he began to fluster," I mean, it's not a date- But it's not like I don't wanna date you!- I mean-I- your-" you cut him off and planted a kiss on his cheek, it was easier to reach him since you wore  inch high, high heels." It's a date. Now go get ready lover boy" she said, joking the last part though.

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