Chapter Two- Meeting again

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Mattie slowly put the knife down, and turned the bathroom light off. "Those words are going to kill me." She whispered. "I will be back my pretty".
Mattie walked down stairs and turned on the tv. The news was on and she didn't bother to change it. "Two adults have been killed, Sarah Walkins and Dave Walkins." The news lady said. "M-mom, d-dad!" She shouted at the tv. "They have been killed by the murder named Tyler Winded. If you see this boy please call 911." She said. Mattie felt a tear slip down her cheeks. "Wh-what am I going to do without th-them?" She cried.
A few days passed as she sat at her aunts house. "I know it's hard when you loose someone you love." Aunt Margie said to Mattie. "Will I ever get over it?" She asked. "Yes, but it takes a lot of time." Margie said. "I saw the murder, and he was at my house. He said he would be back." Mattie whispered to her aunt. "Did you call 911?!" Margie asked Mattie. "I didn't realize that it was him until he left the house." She said. "Well the next time you see him call the police right away." Margie said. "How long am I going to be here?" Mattie asked. "Your 17, so when you get out of college you can go on your own." Margie replied.
Mattie had finished college at Temple University and now was looking for apartments. The mysterious murder still hadn't been found but Mattie knew he was out there. "Let's look for apartments." Mattie said to herself. She went onto Google and searched "Apartment Buildings in Pennsylvania". There were some cute ones in Denver. "Those are cute little houses and they are a good price too!"
Mattie moved in to her new little house in Denver. I had been about a month since she moved in. Her house was only five minutes from her old house. Mattie turned her head and looked at the clock, it was already 5:00pm. Mattie got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and leftover pasta from the night before. Mattie opened the microwave and pushed 1 minute. Beep, beep,beep. Mattie set down the water bottle and walked back over to the microwave. She picked up the glass bowl and walked back over to the living room. Mattie picked up the tv remote and turned on her Samsung tv. Of course the news was on again. "The murder has been spotted on Roseberry Road. (thats made up!) Get inside and lock doors and windows." The lady said. Mattie set down her pasta and locked the doors.
Mattie walked into her bedroom and put her hair up in a bun. "In the mean time lets dye my hair." She said to herself. Mattie opened the cabinet below the sink and grabbed a bottle of pink and blue hair dye.
About an hour had passed and she could finally wash out the hair color. Mattie turned on the shower and and took her clothes off, she then stepped in and started to rinse out the left over hair dye. All the sudden Mattie got that weird feeling like someone was watching her. She quickly finished her shower and put her clothes on. Mattie blow dried her hair and opened the bathroom door. There stood Ty..... The murder. "Didn't I tell you that I would be back." Ty said to Mattie. He just stood there. He was wearing a white hoody with black sweat pants. In his left hand there was a kitchen knife stained with blood. His skin was white and he had a smile that never ended. "You look different, why? I liked the way you looked before." He said to Mattie. "Why are you here?" She asked him. "Cause I'm hungry!" He laughed. Ty ran up to Mattie and sat on her. "Get off me you asshole!" She yelled at him. "Let me finish my meal and then I will!" He laughed. Ty picked up him knife and tried to stab Mattie. "Why didn't you kill, I have nothing to live for any way." Mattie said. "I just can't kill you." He replied. "Why can't you?" Mattie asked. "I love you! Can't just kill someone I love." He replied. "Rule number one! Don't date ANYONE ELSE! If you do you won't make it out alive!" He laughed. "Why do you find that funny?!" She asked him. "Rule number two, DONT ASK ALOT OF QUESTIONS." He chuckled again. "What the fuck is this? Get off of me?!" Mattie yelled at him. "Ok buttercup. I will see you tomorrow princess!" He said to Mattie. He then jumped out the window and ran off.

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