Chapter One- Meeting Him

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"Im home." Mattie shouted. There was no answer. "Mom, dad? Is anyone home?" She asked. There was still no answer. I wonder where they could be, there cars are here but the is no one around. "Maybe they went to the park, it's only a few blocks away." She said aloud to herself. Mattie slowly took off her backpack an walked up the stairs to the second floor. "Is anyone home?" She shouted. Still no answer. I give up, she thought.
A few hours passed and still no one was home. Ok this is not ok, how about we go for a little walk around the neighborhood,she thought. Mattie grabbed a sweat shirt off of her dresser and walked back down to the first floor. She walked over to the front door and stepped outside. Something felt weird to her. She brushed it off and continued walking.
She had walked about one block when all the sudden a cop ran up the her. "Get inside honey, it's not safe right now. There is a murder on the loose, when you get home lock your windows and all your doors." He said to her. She nodded her head and sprinted down the streets.
She finally reached her house and ran inside. She locked the front door and the back door too. She then did all of the windows too. She sprinted upstairs and locked the windows, and then ran into her bedroom and locked the door. "Do you think my parents got murdered?!" She asked herself over and over again. "No it can't be! But it could!" She said shakily. "Why hello" A voice said. "Wh-what!? Who are you, show yourself!" Mattie shouted. "Calm down buttercup. Take a chill pill." The voice laughed. "This is not funny! Show yourself! NOW!!!!" Mattie screamed. "Why this is very funny! You have no sense of humor." The voice laughed again. Finally the mysterious voice stepped out of the curtains. "Shhhhhhhh, stay quiet." The boy said. I felt his soft skin over my mouth. I shoved his hand off of my mouth. "Tell me who you are!" Mattie said shakily. "Wow! You ask a lot of questions! Your name is Mattie..... Right?" He said to her. "H-how do you kn-no my name?" Mattie asked him. "I've been watching you every single day, oh and my name is Tyler. You can call me Ty for short." He said. "What is that your hiding from me?" She asked him. "Oh it's nothing. Don't worry about it." Ty said to her. He slowly moved him arm more behind him. "Wait! Are you that murder?!!" She shouted. "Calm down honey bunches. You have to relax and calm down." He said to the frightened girl. Mattie slowly slid off her bed and into her bathroom. She picked up a knife and backed farther into the bathroom. "Get out you bastard!" She yelled at him. "I will be back to get you my pretty!" His laughter filled the room and he slid out the window.

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