Chapter 8- Rose Fun

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Mattie woke up and of course Ty was watching her as she slept. "Good Morning sugar plum!" Ty said to Mattie. "Not to be mean.... but you always wake me up in the morning." Mattie said yawning. "Sorry....but you sleep in to long!" Ty laughed. "You wake up to early!" Mattie frowned. "Thats not my fault! I don't want the cops finding me!" Ty said. "Why don't you just sleep in the woods?!" Mattie asked him. ""Because the police look everywhere!" Ty laughed. "You are criminal....You should just turn yourself in.....Your not going to get any where in life." Mattie smiled. "Wow! That's harsh! I thought I would get pretty far!" Ty grinned. "N.O.P.E! NO!!!  With what your doing your going to get caught." Mattie said some what happily. "Can you be positive for once, your so negative!" Ty asked with a laugh. "I can be positive, but not with you." Mattie laughed. Ty frowned. Mattie shrugged and walked away from him. She walked into the living room and walked into her basement. "You have a basement?!" Ty said happily. "Yeah....Why are happy about that?" Mattie asked nervously. Ty didn't answer and Mattie was ok with that. Yet she was still worried that he may do something with her.....and her basement.
She continued walking down the stairs until she reached the floor. "Where is that little bat?!" Mattie asked herself. She continued walking around the basement until she had found the animal. "There you are Rose!" Mattie smiled. Mattie held out her arm and let Rose fly onto it. Ty laughed. "Well it looks like you trained your bat....WOW!" Ty looked amazed. "It isn't that cool. Bats can be easily trained (Thats not true)." Mattie said. "Ok well lets go back up stairs and play with Rose while we can, I'm getting board." Ty said. "How can you get board?! We have been down here for like three minutes!" Mattie frowned. Ty rolled his eyes and made his way up the stairs.
They were now in Mattie's living room. She walked over to the blinds and closed them. "She likes the dark." Mattie said. Ty nodded his head and walked over to the couch. "Can I sit with you or no?" He asked her. She nodded her head yes and turned off the lights in the room. "How do you play with a bat? Is that even possible?!" Ty asked her. "Yes you can play with a bat, and I will show you how to." Mattie smiled. She walked back to the couch and called to her bat. "Rose! Come here honey!" Mattie shouted. Rose flew over to Mattie's arm and sat there upside down. "Wow, you really did work with her." He smiled. "Sit Rose!" Mattie said. Rose flew off of Mattie's under arm and sat on the top of her hand. "How did you do this?! You have only had her for about a week." Ty said. "Well I'm magical and amazing." Mattie laughed. "You should just tell me how you did it!" Ty said impatiently. "I trained her every single day, thats how." Mattie responded. Ty said ok and continued watching Mattie. "Circle Rose!" Mattie said to the bad. Rose flew off of Mattie's arm and circled in the living room. Rose started at the ceiling and slowly made her way down to the floor. She was still circling until she reached the floor. After Rose reached the floor she perched back onto Mattie's arm.
Mattie and Ty played with Rose for the entire day. "I have to go and do stuff, so I guess I will see you tomorrow." Ty said smiling. "Ok then....bye." Mattie said. Ty walked over to the front door and walked out. His body slowly faded in till Mattie could not see him at all. She walked into her bedroom, got changed, and turned the light off and went to bed.

I hope you liked this chapter! I REALLY HAVE NO IDEAS! Please give me ideas! I am also really sorry about how the chapters are not really long......I just have school now. I KNOW EXCUSES EXCUSES!!! But I am really REALLY SORRY! Please forgive me. I hope you have a great day!

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