Chapter 16- Not A Normal Day

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Mattie slowly woke up to sun shining in her eyes. "Shit! I have to work!" She said and flew the covers off of her.

She got dressed and quickly ran out of the house but to be stopped by the police. "You are not allowed to leave your house. You cant leave until we have found the murder." They said. Mattie looked at them confused. Oh my god. They mean Tyler! She thought in her head. "What are you taking about?" Mattie lied. "We have evidence that a killer has been into your house. We have to search your house." The police said. "Do you have a search warrant?" Mattie asked. The police pulled out two search warrants. Crap! What do I do? Mattie had thoughts flying left and right. Oh well.

Mattie opened the door wide and let the two police men come in. Mattie walked inside and stood in the living room. I hope they don't find anything. She kept thinking. They probably wont.

About an hour passed and they had found nothing. Luckily the blood was cleaned up down in the basement. That would of been a disaster if it wasn't.

The police left her house, and handed her a small piece of paper. She hesitated, but then opened it. It was just a blank piece of paper. She flipped it over and there was a little heart on it. "Why did they give this to me?" Mattie said under her breath. Ty might be in trouble.

Mattie walked over to the living room and turned on the television. The murderer has been caught and put in jail. Although there are
differences in him. The police will soon be questioning him about his appearance. Tonight at 6....... Mattie got up and walked onto her bedroom. "Should I go.....should I stay?!" Mattie questioned herself.

Mattie began by looking for the dress Ty has given her awhile back.

She finally found it and grabbed the kitchen knife off of the bathroom counter.

"Today, well today is Halloween in my world. I know I am going to regret everything I do.....oh well!" She chuckled.

She walked out of the house with a knife in her purse and at least seven layers of makeup on. She knew that Tyler would be proud of her, but she was at risk. She could be caught and put in jail. It might even ruin her reputation. Well it will, without a doubt.

Mattie still didn't know what she was exactly going to do. Kill? Find him? Talk to him? She needed him.....badly.

Mattie approached her first suspect. She slowly pulled out her knife and charged at the man. He backed into a corner and knew that he couldn't escape. Mattie covered his mouth. "You're a cute one!" Mattie said, trying to cover up her actual voice. He embraced for pain but it never came. Mattie put the knife up his his neck but didn't move it at all. Not one inch. Mattie had never killed anyone, and she didn't want to start now. She pushed the thought out of her mind and went for it. She slid the knife down his throat. There was a silent scream coming from his mouth as he slid down the wall.

She pulled the body into the corner of the alley and walked away as if nothing happened.

She walked back to her house expecting to be greeted by Ty, but no one was there. She was greeting by silence. It made her want to curl up and die. She hated not having Ty around. She loved him! Dearly! She needed him in her life.

The next day rolled away and still no Tyler. She was slowly losing her sanity. He was in jail for the rest of his life! It was her worst nightmare. He always told her that he would never be put in jail. He always said he would never be caught. But he lied, horribly.

Mattie laid in bed staring at her bedroom ceiling. "I need him." She muttered. Mattie rolled off her bed and didn't get up off of the floor. She didn't want to. She didn't want to do anything. Mattie hated everything about life at the moment, and the moments to come. She couldn't live without him."I will give it one more day, and then this is going to end." She said to herself.

OMG!!! I haven't updated anything for such a long time!!!!! I feel so bad!!! Please forgive me, thank you if you do. I just, just I.....I DONT EVEN KNOW!!! I hope you guys have a great day! -shadowmaster12345

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