Chapter 18-Killing The Cops

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Mattie woke up tied to a chair, but it wasn't her basement chair, or kitchen chair....or ANY chair in her house.
Her breathing started to catch on each breath and became heavy quickly.
Mattie looked around and managed to realize where she was. The police station.
She began to squirm and attempted to get loose but before she got any farther a black cotton bag was put over her head. Luckily she has a piece of cloth stuffed in her mouth so the sounds she was making didn't bother the men around her.
"Looks like we are gonna have fun with this girl." One man chuckled. "C'mon, let's make her shut up before I kill her." Another man said with a rough voice.
Mattie's breathing became fast but she tried to keep it steady. "I....can'" She though in her head. "Yes, you can." Another voice answered in her mind.
"Haha, look she's shaking. Poor little thing." The man said while slowly drifting his hand up her chest. "STOP being an asshole. It's annoying." A voice to the left of Mattie's ear.
Mattie cringed and twitched at how close the voice was. "I need something." Mattie mumbled loud enough for the men around her to hear it perfectly. "Oh shut up. Your such pretty young lady. We don't want to have to drug do we boys."
A smile passed around the room.
"It looks like we have no choice." The man interrupted.
There was a cling and a clank but after a couple seconds it stopped.
There was heady footsteps coming torward Mattie's direction. They got louder and louder until one of the three men was standing right in front of her.
The man ripped off the black bag and lifted Mattie's head from off her chest. Her eyes gazing into his. The stare didn't end until Mattie's arm was help tightly by the man. The syringe in his other hand.
"Boys, come help me with this bitch. She's gonna end up biting my face off if you don't hold her down." The main male said.
The two boys walked over with heavy footsteps and both held one of Mattie's arms down. "Do you have rope? Our life would be a lot easier with that tool." A small voice said; coming from the right. The boy on the left shrugged his shoulders.
The was a loud whack coming from behind Mattie.
"Tyler?" Mattie asked. "Yup, that's my name." He responded with a smile.
Tyler jabbed his knife into the young boys chest; dressed as a cop. All three men were dressed as cops and have a room that looked like an office. 
Mattie felt a sharp pain rush through her arm. The man had injected her with a light blue liquid. "Sleep tight!" He laughed as he ran off. "Oh, not so fast." Tyler yelled. He threw his knife at the running man, but the man pulled out a pistol and pulled the trigger. Tyler dodged the bullet nd kept running after the man. "What's left? You don't even have your knife!" He chuckled.
Tyler felt his pockets for a spare knife. He usually brings two in case something like this happens.
All he had was a pocket knife. It works.
Tyler ran as fast as he could and drew the knife into the mans shoulder blade. He fell to the floor with a loud thud.
Tyler let out a low laugh.
"Do you mind helping me?!" Mattie said through the cloth shoved in her mouth. Tyler nodded his head and ran over to her. He took the cloth out of her mouth, untied her and hugged her tightly. "I'm so glad your ok." He said.
"Let's get going before we get actual cops." He chuckled.

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