Chapter Thirty: Bad End Night

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EnderOni, Loop Two

Chapter Thirty:

Bad End Night


Tyler sat with his back to the wall. Everyone was more then away now in the safe room. But what they were doing didn't matter to Tyler. He was still locked away in his head. In his arms, his journal. His hands wrapped around it, his nails digging into it. His hand still was red from the broken mirror.The others had noticed him, but they felt like they should just leave him alone. They had their own paranoia to be bothered by.

"T-They don't need to die." Tyler told himself. "There is more then one way out of this place. I know it."

And this muttering of nonsense continued.

"T-the rules d-don't matter. Onity is only playing games, b-but i'm not. Onity lies! Why should I trust him in anything he says?"

Tyler told himself these things about Onity. About how Onity was no good at all, and that even if he won this game, Onity would still kill everyone off. There was never a reason to trust the bad guys. Never has a bad guy in any story,movie, or game ever kept their promise. Why should Tyler believe Onity would?

Tyler tried to think of the things he could do. If Tyler were to go against the game, and find another way, what way would he go? Tyler tried to remember if there was anything out of the blue from the structure of the mansion. A room he could use, and place he hadn't checked, something like that.There was the door on the fifth floor next to the broken clock, but that was locked, and nobody had a key to that. Tyler hadn't been to the annex yet, but from what he heard, he really shouldn't go down there unless he wants to be poisoned.

The first and second floor had nothing, and the piano room was of no excitement this loop. The lever was pulled, and Tyler was running out of ideas. Tyler placed his journal next to him on the floor, and in attempts to keep himself warm, he shoved his hands into his pockets. And then he felt a key in his pocket. Pulling it out, Tyler remembered he had the key to the cell room in the basement.

"M-Maybe..." Tyler looked at the silver key, an idea appearing in his head.

Tyler had the ability to use the cell room to his advantage, but he didn't have to use it against Onity. Tyler felt wrong to do so, but it was for a good cause. It would be to save the others. He'd lock the others in the cell and then go off to kill Onity with his magic. He could use magic to kill Onity, for none of the swords could do anything, and there wasn't a firearm in sight. His magic was strong enough, right? A beginner in magic is still far more powerful then a normal human, correct?

Tyler believed he could do all of this, and then escape the mansion with his friends. And, he knew that with his place, those whom had died probably wouldn't come back,unless there was something Seto could do. However, what was better?Those who are alive now to stay alive, or for everyone to die when the game finishes, regardless of who wins or loses? It was a rather comforting thought to his decision. He was amazed he could come up with such a plan when he was operating on a body that hadn't eaten well and was very dehydrated and a mind that couldn't decide for shit.

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