Chapter Three: Acting

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EnderOni Loop One

Chapter Three:



Tyler had a faded memory of the dream when he woke up. He remembered a few parts, but not all of it. When he did try to sit up in the bed, he felt his limps and head ache in pain. He let out a small hiss and still forced himself up anyway.


Tyler looked up to see Ian run over. Ian motioned Tyler to lay back down, and he slowly did.

"You're awake already?" Ian asked. "You've only been resting for 2 hours."

Tyler hesitated to speak, but after trying to look around, he had so many questions.

"W-Where am I?" He started.

"Well, you're in the safe room, i guess." Ian said, continuing before Tyler could reply. "We're in that closet I was in. I found a leaver and pulled it and there were stairs leading down to here."

"So...H-How did I get here? How'd you know i was in trouble?" Tyler asked.

"I didn't." Ian shook his head. "Sky, Bashur, Ty, and Sub found you in the enchantment room. They panicked and tried to leave the mansion but then I found them and lead them here."

Tyler moved his head to look past Ian, seeing Bodil and Bashur sitting at the table, looking back at him and Ian.

"Bashur? Bodil?" He asked, his voice hoarse. "Where are the others?"

"Shortly after I showed them the room, Sky, Ty, Sub, and Bashur left to go find Bodil, Jerome, Ant, and Mitch. They found Bodil and Jerome. Bodil wanted to stay here, but Jerome wanted to go with them to help search for Mitch and Ant. Bashur gave Jerome his bow and arrows and Bashur stayed here."

"Bow and Arrow?"

"They found weapons hidden around the room. There are not a lot. Sky found a sword, Ty found a knife from the kitchen, and Sub was left with a sharp stick, er, spear." Ian explained.

Tyler blinked, still sore all over. He was slow to realize, but everything seemed a bit blurry. His glasses were gone. He searched for them around him and could not find them.

"Where are my glasses?" Tyler asked Ian.

"They're on the table." Ian went over to go get them. "They're cracked. Sub found them that way."

Tyler was given his glasses and he stared at them, putting them on and finding them to be annoying. Sure, he liked his sight, but the cracks in the corners of his vision were pestering.

"Anyway, I think you should stay in bed, dude." Ian sighed. "You're hurt, and I'm not a doctor, but it seems like common sense."

Tyler mumbled "I feel restless."

Ian looked back at Bodil and Bashur.

"Do you remember anything?" Bodil asked.

"Do I... remember anything?"

"Yeah. Do you remember anything from before you woke up?" Bashur asked.

Tyler coughed. He tried to think.

"I remember running into the EnderOni in the hallway. I-I had a broken plate a-as a weapon. I ran away to the enchantment room, where I found a key."

Tyler reached into his back pocket and pulled out a key with a tag saying Room 203. He handed it to Ian.

"Then the Oni found me. I tried to fight back, but it was stronger. I don't remember much after that."

Ian examined the key. He took out another key from his pocket. It was The Piano Room key. Sky and Bashur had let him hold it, since he was staying in the safe room.

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