Loop One, Chapter One: So it began

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EnderOni Loop One

Chapter One:

So It began


It was Monday when the letters were sent out and Friday when those who received them were due to arrive. The letters were professionally made by someone who chose to be anonymous. The letters told of a new horror map that needed testing for it to be released, giving the map's cords and the appointment time. The Letters also explained that it was a map that could only be completed with a group, and thus the person would arrive to find that he wasn't going through it alone. These letters were sent out to 13 lucky popular minecrafters.

Friday was a sunny, clear day. It was cool with a slight wind. For many, it was the last day of a long, work filled week. For the lucky 13, it was the perfect day to test out a new map. Their mornings started with a lazy awakening, with breakfast, and other activities. It was only shortly after lunch when the first group arrived to the map, which was a large mansion surrounded with trees and gardens. A cobblestone road lead up to it, and a small pond with a tiny bridge happened to be just a few yards outside the front of the building.

This group, formed when they realized they had all gotten a letter to the same place with the same time, consisted of minecrafters named Sky, Ty, Bashur, Sub, and Tyler. SkyDoesMinecraft, the most famous of all 13 as well as the leader of a group known as the Sky Army. He was also well known for hating squids and adoring butter, also known as gold. Ty, also known as Deadlox, was Sky's closest friend and another lover of butter. Ty was known to have a dark sense of humor and for always having neon green, glowing headphones on.

BashurVerse was a silly one, who wasn't actually human, but a melon. He wore 3D glasses and had a high, childish voice. SubZeroExtabyte was a quiet one, who never spoke. Instead, Sub made it clear what he was thinking through expressions on his face and actions. He was the youngest, and by far the most mysterious. Last, but certainly not least, was MunchingBrotato. Also going by Tyler, he was a young adult who wore big glasses. He could impersonate people with his voice almost perfectly, and he was very loyal to his closest of friends, while not afraid to joke about with them.

Standing in front of the mansion, the group stopped to gaze upon it's blank cream-colored walls, probably made out of sandstone. It looked to be 5 stories tall, all windows being blocked out except for the one on the 5th floor.

"Certainly looks like a horror map." Bashur said, shivering as the wind picked up, making the trees dance from side to side.

Sky laughed. "I've seen worse, honestly."

"Yeah, like The Orphanage?" Ty asked, smirking.

"God, that was horrible." Sky shook his head at the memory. He was never going into a horror map alone ever again, that's for sure.

"This really doesn't look that bad." Tyler gazed at the building. "Though I probably just jinxed it."

"Hey! Yeah! How could you!?" Bashur gasped, turning to Tyler with hands on his hips.

"Well, we're all fucked now." Sky laughed, walking towards the door.

Sub grinned and raised both his arms into the air, as if you shout like he was ready for a party, following Sky. Ty and Bashur walked over as Sky opened the door. As Tyler walked closer to the building, a feeling of déjà vu came over him. Which was odd. He'd never seen the place before, nor did he ever dream or think of it. He shook his head and forgot about it, joining the others as they stepped inside.

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