Chapter Seven: 2

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EnderOni, Loop One

Chapter Seven:


(If you havn't seen the maps for the mansion, i will link them in the comments below. They will come in handy in this chapter!)


    The Basement. It was down the left hallway on the first floor, past two doors. When Bodil, Jerome, Mitch, and Ian got there, it was dark and dusty. Once they found the lights,however, it was just dusty. The first room was connected with a hallway, and the walls and ceiling were white. There were no tables or anything, and it was underground so there were no windows. At the end of the hallway, there was a wooden door. The hallway also turned left, a larger, iron doorway leading to yet another room. 

"Which way first?" Jerome asked, holding a spear as a weapon in his hand. 

"Let's start with what's ahead of us." Mitch answered. 

    They walked to the first door, the wooden one. It was unlocked, and the group when it cautiously. Another white room, however more square, connected to another white hallway. Not even a piece of furniture. It was all so dull. It seemed as if nothing had walked through the halls in decades. 

"Onward, my friends." Bodil said, and they turned down the next hallway, seeing another wooden door at the end. 

    Going through the next door, they found themselves in a room with a huge, square, black table, and only three chairs. It had room for 15 to 20 chairs. On the other sides of the room, there was another black wooden door to the right, and one to the left. 

"This looks like a meeting room." Jerome said. 

"A meeting for three people that need way too much space." Ian said. "Where did all the other chairs go?"

"Maybe the people that put them here realized they weren't alone and left before finishing?" Bodil asked.

"They furnished this whole damn house without realizing they weren't alone?" Mitch scoffed. "I don't think so."

"Anyway, there are two more doors. Which way?" Ian asked, walking around the table, having to push a chair under the table to get by. 

"I'm curious how far this place goes." Bodil said.

"Right it is." 

   The group continued passed the table and went through the door on the right. Another, pure white hallway. However, at the end of this hallway, there were bars. Iron bars. And an Iron bar door. They walked over to the iron bars, Mitch pushing the door open with his stone sword.It creaked. 

"I wonder why they put bars here instead of a wall." Jerome said. 

    They walked passed the iron doors to find themselves in the middle of a hallway. To the right was a door, and to the left was another larger iron doorway. Jerome began walking down to the door on the right. The others followed. Walking in, they found themselves in a small room. iron bars were placed in the middle of the room, making the other side of the room a cell. There was an iron door, opened. 

"Feels more like this basement was supposed to be a jail or base or something." Mitch said. 

Ian shivered. "It's cold in here."

"I don't like it in here." Jerome said. 

"Me neither." Bodil agreed. 

     They left that room immediately. Heading back down the hallway, they went to the iron doors next. There was a leaver, and the doors opened when Ian pulled them. Walking in, pressure plates on the floor made the doors close afterwards. The room had a long, thin wooden table with a chair at both ends, as well as a book shelf. On the white walls was a large, light brown sheet of paper attached to the walls. To the right was another wooden door. It was cracked and broken. 

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