Chapter Thirty Four: Fight Me

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EnderOni, Loop 4

Chapter Thirty Four:

Fight Me


Kyle was walking back to his car when his own phone rang. Sitting in the front seat of the car, he pulled the phone from his pocket and looked to see who it was. Kyle hoped it to be Tyler, but expecting maybe a family member or someone like that. However, surprisingly, it was Alesa. They were close friends, yeah, but Kyle didn't get a lot of calls from the woman. Kyle stopped wasting time and answered the call.

"Yo, it's Kyle!" He greeted.

"H-Hey! You haven't heard anything from Sky recently have you?" Alesa's voice asked, her voice sounding rushed.

"Nope, not in the last two days maybe." Kyle replied. "Why? Is something wrong? I-I mean, you'd be the one to know where he is, right?"

"That's the thing, I don't know where he is. He's been gone for a day maybe and didn't tell me where he was going or when he'd be back. Kyle, I'm worried." Alesa said. "Well, worried is an understatement."

"That's odd." Kyle frowned. "T-Tylers missing too. I was gonna hang out with him today, but he's not home. A-Actually, I found a-" but then Kyle stopped.

"Tyler is gone too?" Alesa asked.

"Hey, you wouldn't have happened to notice a strange letter or paper sitting around your house, would you? You live with Sky, so maybe the same letter I found at Tyler's house would be at your house." Kyle said, feeling pretty smart for coming up with the connection of the two disappearances.

"There was a letter? What kind of letter?" Alesa asked, and Kyle heard footsteps, assuming she was now walking around.

"It's just a white folded up paper. Maybe it's around his desk or wherever he puts his mail." Kyle answered.

"O-okay. Let's see here..."

Alesa walked around, messing with stacks of paper and things, from what Kyle could guess. He stayed on the line with her for a few silent moments, trying to wonder if maybe their disappearances were not linked, or if only one had a letter. Kyle, having looked at Tyler's letter, was pretty damn sure that Sky didn't write it. It was too formal. However, as formal was it was, he did notice a few typos.

"Finding anything?" Kyle asked.

"Hmmm." Alesa hummed in response, still looking around.

"Have you checked the living room? Kitchen Table?" Kyle suggested.

"Wait a second..." Alesa sounded like she found something. Kyle heard her smooth out a paper, and then it went quite. After a minute or two, Alesa finally spoke.

"So...I found this letter. It talks about a map, and they want Sky to test it out." Alesa told Kyle.

"That's exactly what Tyler's letter said. Does Sky's tell you the sender? Tyler's doesn't."

"No...No sender." Alesa replied. "That's pretty sketchy."

"Exactly." Kyle cleared his throat.

"Why would Sky think of going to this place?" Alesa asked.

"You said he didn't tell you, right?" Kyle asked, looking down at the letter he had in his hand. "I mean, reading the times they left in the letter, it sounds like something they'd only spend an hour or two at. Maybe he expected to be back by now?"

Alesa was quite for a second.

"You think he might be in trouble? Him and Tyler?" She asked.

Kyle didn't want that to be true, but lets face it. If Sky and Tyler were taking longer then expected, and they both knew they had people to see later, they'd make a call.

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