Chapter Forty: Caged Tiger

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Enderoni, Loop 4

Chapter Forty:

Caged Tiger


Their chase went on for much longer then any of the three had wanted it to. Nothing Onity could do would get Seto off his back, and Unity somehow managed to keep up. Onity would find himself teleporting to other places in the mansion, and even teleporting to other mansions of other timelines, but Unity and Seto somehow always managed to follow him. It freaked him out. All of a sudden he was no longer on top and that was wrong.

Eventually, he was spending more time glancing back to make sure he wasn't being followed, and happened to lose track of his footing. There was a sharp pain running up his leg, but he honestly was to dazed to feel it right away. He didn't fall, but he snapped back to pay attention of what was in front of him only to find himself at the end of a hallway on the second floor of the mansion he was pretty sure was the right mansion.

In that split second of time, he froze suddenly. Not by his own command, but a bluish light glowed around him and that could only mean it had to have been the god awful sorcerer who wouldn't leave him alone. He cried out in surprise, struggling. And then the blue glow contracted around him, squeezing him for a just a second before it disappeared. He was let go, and he turned around to see Seto standing there, as if he cornered him. Onity huffed, but grinned, and then teleported away.

Only, he didn't teleport. He couldn't.

"What did you do to me?!" Onity hissed, glaring up at the sorcerer who had him cornered at the end of a hallway.

Seto was out of breath, but managed to speak. "Keep in mind that whatever you decide to do, your powers have been suppressed temporarily."

"What!?" Onity was shaking. "If you could pull shit off like that then why is this the first time you've ever used that spell?!"

"He had help."

Onity looked over to see a boy standing next to Seto, by the looks of it out of breath as well. He was recovering quicker though. The boy did not look at all familiar to Onity. He did not sound familiar. He stared at the boy, wondering who he was and how he was related to this all. The boy was a different species, the bo- Oh. A bit of memory appeared. He had awoken in the form of a different species, but that day was so blurry to him, as he'd awoken with blood loss and amnesia and he could hardly remember what he'd looked like at all. All he could clearly remember was walking the halls as a beast or as someone else.

"Who are you?" Onity asked the boy.

The boy just looked up at Seto. "What were you chasing him for?"

"I wanted to talk. He was the one who ran." Seto replied.

The boy picked up on tone of frustration from Seto and sighed. Seto wanted more answers and he was probably still upset over the death of Brice. He knew Onity was the killer and probably wants revenge. Unity stepped in front of Seto, having to give up the hope of completely avoiding his older self. H wasn't sure if it was safe, but he had no other logical option. Onity was already staring at him, hoping for an answer.

"Do I look familiar at all to you?" Unity asked Onity, deciding to get answers of his own.

Onity shook his head.

"Hmm." Unity frowned. "What is the last thing you can remember?"

Onity hesitated. He didn't want to be asked questions, he'd asked one that was ignored and now this was happening! But he knew what was best to do was to go along with this.

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