The Park

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For two hours straight I had been thinking about the letter. It had seemed strange. Why would anyone write a love letter to me? Anyone else I could understand. But me? Oh well. I decided I would go anyway just to make sure.

After I finished up all of my homework I looked at the clock and it said "6:30" and the park was about thirty minutes away so I decided to get in my car. The drive seemed so long. My heart stopped when I pulled into the driveway. It was a risk to be going here. But what's the worse that could happen?

I got out of my car and walked towards the park. I was confused at first. There wasn't any one I knew there. Then I walked to the field. There was no one in the field besides me. Or what I believed. I was in shock when a bag came over my head and covered my body. I wanted to scream but I was too busy hallucinating.

When the bag came off I was behind this building. It was still in the park. I looked up to see who had "captured" me. It wasn't any secret Admirerer. I had been tricked. It was Faith and her friends. Why did they bring me here?

"What the hell? Why did you bring me here?" I asked. "You'll find out. Now stand up!" She yelled. I quickly stood up "Wh-" in the middle of my word something terrible happened. A foot came towards my nose. I fell over on the grass and my nose was bleeding. I was cupping my nose as it bleed. "Oww oww oww, monster!" I screamed. "Pull her up, girls," she commanded. They both pulled me up. I thought they were going to stop.

Instead, Faith took the upper hand and punched me several times in the gut. Then she punched me in the face. My nose was bleeding a lot now. My eye felt like a black eye was forming. What would I say to my mom? 'Everything is fine, I just have a black eye and bloody nose," ? She beat me up to the point where I couldn't breathe.

Right when I thought she would kill me Hannah and Taylor dropped me to the ground and ran away. I was afraid to see who it was. I had to do it. I turned my eyes upwards and looked straight into a very cute boys face. He had black hair and a cute smile. He was almost perfect in my eyes.

Embarrassed described me at that moment. Here I was staring up at a really cute guy with a black eye, bloody nose, and cut up lip. "Are... you okay?" he asked. "Oh um....yes?" I said. "I don't believe you," he said. "Why not?" I asked. "Well you look beat up and I can see those tears in your eyes," he said. "Okay okay, fine, I'm not okay," I mumbled looking away. "Who were those girls?" he asked. "Oh, just some girls from school," I said. "And they beat you up?" he asked. "Yeah, as you can see I'm clearly not the most popular person at my school, actually probably the least popular," I said. "Oh, well that's good, I don't really like popular girls that much," he said. "You don't? But every boy constantly drools over them," I said. "Not every boy, I personally am not into those girls who think they are better than every one else," he admitted. "Oh really?" I said with a smile. "Really," he said. "Here, let me help you up," he suggested while offering me his hand. I hesitated to take it. My hand slowly wrapped around his cold hand. In a few moments I was standing.

"How did you know about those girls?" I asked ignorantly. "Well right when I saw them bullying you I came over here and broke it up," he said. "You saved me?" I asked surprised. "I guess you could put it in those words, yes," he said with a smile. "Oh thank you so much," I said running into him and hugging him.

I soon backed away and turned red. "Sorry about that," I said feeling embarrassed. "It's okay, friends hug each other," he said. "You, you want to be my friend?" I asked with a shocked expression. "Of course, you seem really cool and...pretty," he said smiling. I blushed. "Why thank you, it's just I am not really good at making friends," I mumbled. "It's okay, but I'm gonna be your friend, if that's okay with you," he said. "It's okay with me, so what school do you go to?" I asked. "I used to go to Belton School in Virginia, now I'm transferring to San Diego city high school in San Diego," he said. "Oh my gosh, that's my school!" I exclaimed. "Really? Great!" he yelled. "Oh by the way, what's your name?" I asked. " Nathan," he said quickly. "I'm Becky," I said. "Well, see you around I guess," he said. "See ya?" I said with my body parts still very much in pain.

He let me lean on his shoulder and he walked with me to the parking lot. "By the way, you're not so bad looking yourself," I said. "Oh, thanks," he said smiling. We stopped in our tracks. This wasn't what it looked like, was it? Crap. My car was beat up and damaged really badly. The Perfects or should I say "The Devils" must have damaged my car. I sighed. "How will I ever get home now?" I asked. "Well... I suppose there is only one way," he said. "What's that?" I asked him feeling very confused. "I'd have to drive you home," he said. "You really don't have to, I could just... walk," I said. He took a look at me. "There's no way I'm letting you walk home, I'd be glad to take you," he admitted happily. "Okay, if you say so," I uttered.

He led me over to his mercedes. He opened the passenger seat. "Ladies first," he said with a cute smile and bow. I blushed. "Thanks, you're such a gentleman," I said a loud and taking my seat. He shut the door and it didn't take him long to get into his seat. "So where am I taking you?" he asked pulling out of the driveway and driving in the road. I told him my address. "That's your address?" he asked. "Yeah, why do you look so surprised?" I asked. "Well... this might be weird, but I'm kind of your neighbor," he said. "My neighbor?!" I yelled/asked. "Yes, why do you have a problem with that?" he asked smirking. "Oh no... it's just I'm excited and shocked that's all," I said quietly. "It's okay, besides now we can hang out all the time, right?" he said. "Yeah... I um guess," I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

My happy expression faded when I reached home. I would have to leave Nathan. "So I guess I'll se you around," I said. "Bye, friend," he said giving a cute wave. I walked up to my door and stepped right inside my house. I limped upstairs to the bathroom. I looked pretty beat up. I stepped inside the warm shower. My wounds ached and stung as the water trickled down my body. I rinsed off and went back to looking at my reflection. I cleaned up my bloody nose and put bandages where needed. As soon as I was done putting the last bandage on my sister walked in on me.

She gasped "Oh my gosh what happened, sis?" she said rushing over to me. "Uh me nothing... I um just fell down the...stairs?" I said hoping she'd believe me. "Making up excuses again? Come on I'm not that dumb, now what happened?" she demanded to know. She looked serious. "Okay, these girls at my school beat me up at the park, okay?" I explained quickly. "We should tell the principal!" she said. "That's not going to work, nobody at my school cares about me except for you and just about two other people (Shelly and Nathan), the principal won't do anything, she'll believe anything Faith says," I whined. Kaitlyn sighed "I know, but what on earth are we going to do?" "I don't know," I said shrugging. "Well, just remember you are beautiful in every way possible, don't let anyone tell you otherwise," she said. "Thanks," I sputtered shyly. That helped but I'm sure it wasn't going to last for very long. "You said there were two other people who might care for you, not saying that that's a good thing because it isn't, but who are those two people?" she asked curiously. "Well, I met some friends today, one Shelly and the other Nathan, they are both new though, they said they'd be my friends," I explained. "Good for you, I'm glad, you should have them over some time!" she suggested. "Actually, turns out, Nathan's our neighbor," I admitted scratching the back of my head. "Really? Awesome!" she said, "well anyways, I got to go, talk to you later," she said walking out of the bathroom.

I limped all the way to my room trying not to spill blood on the carpet. When I got in my room I opened my lap top. Just as I thought. More insults. I took a look at the blade. Should I do it again? Was it a one time thing? No. There was this voice inside of me telling me I had to cut. I guess one you do it, it becomes really hard to stop. I took the blade and dug it through my skin exactly the way I did before. When I was done I hopped into bed and fell fast asleep.

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