Boy Trouble.

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I have to admit. At school it was very hard to ignore Nathan. For a few weeks Shelly and I have been sitting at a far away table from Nathan and we would always try our best to ignore him. It's kind of hard ignoring someone who is that cute but I had to.

Whenever I saw him in between passing periods I would just quickly look down and quickly walk away from him. When we were in class I avoided looking at him even though I knew that he looked at me frequently during classes. I wonder what he was always thinking. Did he regret his actions? Was he so desperate for me to forgive him? Does he think that soon someday he'll get me to fall for him again? I've always wondered why I'm such a curious person.


I think my science teacher is out to get me. Today he assigned lab partners and guess who I get to sit next to. You guessed it. Nathan. 

Today our science teacher gave us a project to work on with our lab partners. For most of the time Nathan and I were just working on our project like we had never met before.

As soon as the science room became so loud that you could only hear the people near you Nathan stopped doing what he was doing and looked at me. That frustrated me. "What are you doing, Nathan?" I asked putting my hand on my hip. 

"We need to talk," he said still looking at me with that desperation in his eyes. It was tempting to tell him yes. What do I have to lose? "No, what I need to do is get a good grade in science," I said in a smart-ass way that probably sounded mean. "Come on, Becky," he said almost angrily " you told me you didn't even care about your science grade. Who cares if you get a bad grade once in science? You already get straight A's!" he exclaimed. I couldn't believe he was the one getting angry.

"Excuse me?" I said and I couldn't believe I was having this conversation with Nathan "Well, maybe I did tell you that I didn't care about my science grade, but you can't always trust what people say can you? Who knows, a guy could come up to you and pretend to be your friend and then just say that he loves you even though he's really just using you and then ends up kissing your enemy and breaking your  heart," I uttered and then shut my mouth in a straight line. Tears were surfacing my eyes.

"Becky..." him saying my name gave me chills. My name seemed so wrong and so right in his voice. All of the sudden the bell rang and I barged my way out of that room. Behind me I could hear "Becky wait!" but I kept running.

That's it. I was ready for this day to be done. Who cares if I was ditching school again? No. It was just too much stress. Too much sadness. 

I opened my locker and stuffed my stuff inside my backpack. Tears were streaming down my face and I felt embarrassed and shy. "Becky? Is that you?" I heard a voice. For a second I was expecting Nathan, but that wasn't Nathan's voice. It was Chase. Chase? What was he doing here.

I turned around. "Chase? What are you doing here?" I asked. "I go to school here now. I didn't know you went here." he said. "Oh.... that's kind of funny," I lied. "Isn't it?" he said. Then he smiled with all of his straight white teeth shining and his blonde hair, the way he carried himself, his posture said that he had a lot of confidence. After I was done admiring him, I began to think angry thoughts. Why would he ever want to date me? He too could have any girl he wanted but he wanted me. What is it with these guys who could have anyone they wanted wanting me? Why would they use me like this? I've already been humiliated once this way. There was no way I was doing it again. And then I started remembering other things. Wasn't he the guy who made fun of me? Who sent me crying home to Nathan? I can't believe he even has the heart to do that to me.

"While you're here, don't talk to me." I said. He frowned. "Why not?" "You don't remember what you said? About you hating emo kids."  "Becky, I've changed my mind since then. I realize that you were right. It was stupid of me to judge  you and to be so stupid about that situation. I was being inconsiderate and selfish. " he confessed. "Well...." I said not knowing the rest of the words of my sentence. "Becky, could I please have another chance?" he asked. "Why do you even want to be with me? You could have any girl. I bet you haven't even seen Faith Hill or any of the other girls at this school. I'm not sure I buy that you want me." I said. "I've seen Faith. She's not really my type. So...what do you say? Want to go to the movies some time?" he asked.

I thought long and hard. Would it be worth it? Am I leading myself into another trap? Would I be stupid to say no? Or to say yes? Should I trust him? Would Nathan get jealous? No. Of course he wouldn't. 

Finally I said "Sure," and I didn't end up ditching school after all. It's funny how life works out.

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