Our Few Hours Together.

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Finally after a while Nathan stepped back. He gave me a cute smile and hopped inside of the car. I quickly sat down in the passenger seat. I was too shocked and happy to speak at that moment. I just took a moment to let it all in. That whole moment seemed surreal.

What was I supposed to do? What was I supposed to say?

"You....you kissed me," I said quietly. "Yes," he said quickly, "why is there a problem?" he asked with a smirk. "No....it's just never in my life I would have thought someone would even have a crush me, nevertheless kiss me, espechially like....that," I explained. He smirked yet another time. "Well, what can I tell you, Becky, the world is full of suprises," he said. I smiled at that comment. "I love it when you smile," he commented again. "You...you do?" I asked nervously. "Yes, of course, it makes you look so much prettier than you already are," he said. I smiled again.

Soon enough we arrived at his house. We ran inside Nathan's house and up the steps into his bedroom. After Nathan shut the door I went over and sat down on his soft, comfurtable bed. "So...what do you wanna do?" I asked Nathan curiously. Nathan didn't answer me.

Instead, he slowly walked over to where I was sitting and sat down beside me. Without even telling me he took my face and kissed me for the third time. We kissed for quite a while. Then I stopped. "What's wrong?" he asked with great concern.

"I need to ask you a question," I told him. He looked at me, and I could tell he was listening carefully. "Why me?" I asked with great curiosity. "What do you mean?" he asked looking very confused. "Well, I mean your so cute, funny and nice, you could have any girl you could possibly want, why are you kissing me out of all the girls at our school?" I asked. Honestly I wanted to know. "Because you're the girl who I am interested in, you make me happy, you're beautiful, you're amazing, why wouldn't I like you?" he said seriously. As a smile spread across my face I also managed to ask "What about Shelly? She's also a good friend of yours, she's much prettier than me, she's also not a big loser like me(who gets my referance)," I sputtered. "I just see Shelly as a good friend, she's also an amazing person, and she definitely is pretty, but I don't feel the same way about her as I do to you," he explained looking away nervously. "Oh...." I said quietly shutting my eyes for a bit. "And maybe you're not a loser, or possibly I'm in to losers," he said grinning widely again.

He was just so cute! I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey want to do something?" I asked him. "Like what?" he asked. "Well, we've already kissed quite a bit today, why don't we watch a couple movies?" I suggested. "Sure, but don't you still have homework to do?" he asked in a smart-ass tone. "Oh well," I said shrugging.

He finally agreed to do it and we both walked downstairs to Logans Family Room and sat down, trying to pick a few movies we could watch. "So what do you want to watch, I don't care what we watch, you go ahead," he said. "How about, The Lightening Thief Movie!" I shouted. Of course, I didn't really enjoy the Ligthening Thief Movie, no movie is as good as the books but hey, it had Logan Lerman in it, and it's Percy Jackson. Who doesn't love Percy Jackson?

So Nathan and I sat down on the couch, his arm over my shoulder with a bowl of popcorn in the middle of us. "So why do you want to watch this movie, you could've picked a much better movie," he said stuffing a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "Well, I think it's....well...enjoyable," I said with him looking at me with a disbelieving look, "fine...I want to because you know Logan Lerman is in it," I confessed. "Whatever you say, Mrs Lerman," he said teasingly.

After watching that movie we watched a couple other movies: The Pirattes of The Carribean, Pitch Perfect, The Hunger Games, The Hobbit, Despicable Me 2, and Legally Blonde.

Nathan and I stayed up so late that night we decided we would ditch school that day. Omg! Do I even hear myself. Ditching Schhool. Man, what a rebel I have become. After Legally Blonde was over I looked over to look at Nathan. Of course. He was asleep.

"Nathan. Hey, Nathan. Wake up. Seriously. Come on," I whispered several times trying to wake him up. I began shaking him and he still wouldn't wake up. I never thought I would come to do this but......whack. I slapped him in the face and said in a loud whisper "Nathan, wake up," He put his hand on his cheek and rubbed it. "Ow....what?" he said in a low grumble. "its late, I think I should go now," I said.

Then on cue rain started to pour heavily. Nathan sat up, his hair all messed up in a cute way. "No..don't go, it's too late and it's raining," Nathan said while sort of yawning. What? What did he expect me to do? "What am I supposed to do then?" I asked.

"You could stay here," he suggested still looking awfully tired. "Where...where would I sleep?" the words nervously came out of my mouth. "In my room obviously," he said making a cute lopsided smile.

In his room? Seriously?!

"Well I suppose I could sleep in a sleeping bag or something," I said looking at him and shrugging. "You could also sleep in my bed if you like, we'd both fit," he suggested.

My eyes widened a little bit and my jaw slightly dropped. "Woahhhhhh dude, we just got together, I don't think it's a great idea to sleep in the same bed," I said nervously. He didn't say anything for a while. Instead, a smile was growing on his face. "You're joking right? Becky, you amuse me," he said in a cute-ish tone.

"Well," I said with a smart-ass tone "maybe it's a good thing I'm so cautious," He smiled even wider. "So what do you say? Where do you want to sleep?" he asked. I was in quite some deep thought for a while. I was trying to think of a better place to sleep.

Unfortunately, I was too tired and sleepy to think of anything else. "Fine," I said bitng my lip. "We'll we better go up now," he said standing up and holding out his hand to me. Trying to show off that I didn't need his assistance, I got up without taking his hand.

At first he looked at me, but then he was walking in front of me and shaking his head at me with a smirk on his face. We quickly crept up the stairs. We both brushed our teeth and he got into his bed and sat up.

Feeling hesitant to get in his bed, I was still standing next to the other side of the bed nervously. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Are you coming or what?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I guess," I mumbled and hesitantly got into his bed. We were both siting up next to each other. We both were staring at the wall not saying a word to eachother.

Well this is awkard......

"Hey Nathan," I said still not looking at him. "Yeah?" he replied. "You know what I just realized?" I said to him. This time he did look over at me. His eyes filled halfway with concern and halfway with curiousity. 

"I haven't cut this entire day," I admitted. As I said those words I felt ashamed. His face now looked kind of horrified. "You....you've still been cutting?" he asked. 

I sighed. "It's so hard to talk about but, Nathan, once you start cutting, it's really hard to stop," I said looking away from him now, I was too scared to see the look on his face.

He scooted closer to me. "Becky, I am so sorry, from now on I am going to try to be as supportive as I can towards you, I'll try and help as much as I can," he said. I replied to him with an enormous hug. 

I pulled back. "Thank you," I said smiling. "You're welcome, now go to sleep," he said. "Okay, yeah that's a good idea," I said.

"Goodnight," he whispered, I could almost sense him smiling even when I was turned around.  

Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

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