Chapter 20

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The whole room had been eerily silent as the doctor explained Isabella's condition, although Alexa found it hard concentrating on what he was actually saying. The image of her tiny little baby flashed in her mind as she fretted about the doctors revelation. The thought of her daughter being so ill made Alexa feel sick to the stomach. Nothing worse could happen at this moment in time. Her baby was her top priority and that in itself scared her.

"Alexa?" Dr. Lachlan's voice echoed as she snapped back to reality.

"Sorry, a lot on my mind" she muttered as she looked up at the doctor. He smiled sympathetically as Carson squeezed her hand.

"I was just saying, due to the nature of your hospital admission you'll be required to undertake counselling. I know it's not a great time but it was scheduled for this afternoon."

Alexa smiled weakly in response. Talking about why she'd done what she had was the last thing she wanted to be doing at a time like this but she assumed that the more she refused the more seriously the issue would be pushed. She'd always thought that only 'crazy' people saw a shrink when it appeared she was indeed crazy  herself.

"Okay" she sighed rubbing her eyes with her free hand, "when exactly?"

"In about twenty minutes actually. I know it's not ideal" the doctor smiled encouragingly as Alexa nodded, "I'll be back to let you know when you can see Isabella, we need to carry out a few more tests but I would assume it will be after your session"

Alexa's mom thanked the doctor before he hurried out of the room, closing the door behind him.

The room remained silent until a voice popped up, "Erm...I think I should go"

Alexa raised her head, to view the speaker; Daniel Jack. She had been in such a state when the doctor had arrived that she hadn't seen him arrive with Carson. In all honesty she was surprised at his presence. Daniel was the "it" boy at school alongside Carson with his shaggy blonde hair and deep blue eyes. It was undeniable that he was a good-looking lad, but in Alexa's eyes, he just lacked something that Carson had. Although Daniel was no where near as big a womanizer as Carson, he was extremely popular because of his good looks and the fact that he was with his best friend visiting her, someone low on the high school food chain, was remarkable. 

"Are you sure mate?" Carson responded, his hand still warmly wrapped in Alexa's.

Daniel coughed awkwardly as he pushed himself off the wall he had previously been leaning against, "Yeah, my mom's expecting me home for dinner but I'll see you later."

Carson nodded at his best friend as he turned and opened the door. As Daniel took a step out into the corridor he turned and said, "I hope you're feeling better soon Alexa", a genuine smile on his face.

Alexa replied with a thanks as he closed the door. Maybe she'd misjudged Daniel Jack all along. In the short time that he'd spent at the hospital with them he seemed like a nice enough person. A bit big-headed perhaps, but a nice person nonetheless.


When the time came for Alexa to go to her counselling session, she was apprehensive and a lot more unwilling as she'd first appeared. Once Taylor was certain that Isabella was in no immediate danger she'd had to leave with the excuse that she was meeting her mom for lunch, which had just left Carson, Lissa and Alexa. Lissa had insisted on going to check on Isabella in the nursery, seeing as Alexa didn't have enough time before her session leaving Carson to walk Alexa to her session.

As they came to the area of the hospital where the session was being held, Carson stopped and smiled reassuringly at Alexa. Alexa sighed knowing this was as far as he was going.

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