Chapter 24

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Alexa began eating the food Carson had brought her as she waited for everyone to return to the living room.  Carson had left what seemed like hours ago to go to the bathroom and it appeared he had an extremely large bladder as he still hadn't returned. Her mom had coaxed Kaydie into helping her put Isabella down for her nap and Taylor, Alexa wasn't sure where the hell she’d disappeared to but she had a feeling it had something to do with Kaydie’s presence.

It turns out her mom had rang Kaydie and told her the news about Isabella, inviting her down to stay for a while without telling Alexa. Alexa wasn't quite sure how long 'a while' was but she hoped it was a decent length of time because she'd missed her friend. It had been too long since Alexa had seen her so when the doorbell had rang earlier in the day and she had opened the door to find her childhood best friend grinning madly at her, she’d been thrilled, especially if her screams were anything to go by.

Alexa was mid-way through devouring the Crème Egg Mcflurry that she’d excitedly found below her meal when she heard the slamming of the front door. No sooner had she got to her feet when a flushed looking Taylor stuck her head around the door and mumbled something about having to go before dashing down the hallway and again, slamming the front door. Something was going on.

Alexa was still unsure about who had left the house before Taylor but her question was answered quickly by a reappearing Kaydie who had a conflicted expression on her face as she made her way into the room and closed the door tightly behind her.

“Carson had to go” she told Alexa timidly, sitting down on the armchair and curling her legs up underneath her body, “family emergency or something…”

Alexa nodded, slightly confused. She had never met Carson’s family. Anytime she’d brought it up he’d shut down the idea stating that his family was a “train wreck” and he didn't get on well with his parents most of the time. She’d went along with him because she didn’t want to upset him but now hearing he’d left abruptly without even saying goodbye due to a ‘family emergency’ she was extremely confused. Either way, she knew that Isabella was Carson’s family now, maybe even herself too.

Now when she thought about it though, it was ironic how at the time when he’d referred to his family as a ‘train wreck’ she’d inwardly thanked God that she had a perfect family. Right now her dad was nowhere to be seen and her mom didn't seem to be willing to even bring him up. In all honesty she didn't even know if she wanted him to be brought up in conversation after their showdown. He’d made her feel like her life wasn’t worth living and almost caused her to end it all. Maybe it was a good thing he wasn't here.

“What are you thinking about?” Kaydie’s voice burst through Alexa's thoughts.

Alexa shrugged, "My family...Carson" 

She couldn't help but notice the almost pained expression on her friend's face as she answered the question. Before she could question it though, Kaydie spoke,

"Lex..." she muttered rubbing her forehead with her hand, "I need to tell you something..."

"What is it?" she responded moving to sit beside her friend who appeared to be having an internal debate with herself.

"You know the way Carson left pretty quickly right?" she began and Alexa nodded, "And then Taylor had to go?"

Again Alexa nodded for her to continue and again she noticed Kaydie was sickeningly pale, something which only happened when something serious had happened. Little did she know Kaydie was harbouring a big secret and the last few weeks were going to be shattered into a million pieces by her next words.

"I caught them Lex" she mumbled and Alexa's stomached dropped. 

"What?" Funnily enough Alexa didn't have to ask who she was referring about.

"I thought he was with you in the kitchen. I thought I was walking in on you two finally getting it together was Taylor Lex. He was kissing Taylor" she continued, watching Alexa warily.

Alexa let out the breath she hadn't known she was holding. She'd known something was going on with Taylor but it had never crossed her mind that her best friend was having a 'thing' with her baby daddy. Granted, Alexa and Carson weren't together but the fact they were sneaking behind her back, made things a million times worse. And to think she'd been feeling as if she and Carson were getting closer, possibly leading to something more when all along he'd been with Taylor in secret.


"Sorry.." Alexa muttered snapping back to reality, "Did they see you?"

"Yeah..." Kaydie trailed off, "I told them they had until tomorrow to tell you, or I would but I couldn't keep it from you. They said they had 'history' Lex..."

"She was so against my relationship with Carson, back at the beginning. I guess I know why now. Could you do me a favour?" Alexa asked, praying her friend would agree.

Kaydie nodded and Alexa continued, "Find out as much about the situation as you can. Pretend I don't know"

"Why?" Kaydie asked curiously as Alexa turned serious again.

"I'm going to see how far I can push them before they crack. Revenge."

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