You belong with me [2]

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Hello everyone. I loved your comments and will take your advices. I promise you all that I'll improve. Thank you all! Here it is! ENJOY!! MAYBE??


"Where is he gonna stay?" I gulped, my heart beating irratically. My mom, could sense my worry and smiled.

"In the guest room, of course." Mom, rose her eyebrow, as if daring me to object.

Frowning, I turned my gaze away and faced Brian.

"It's nice to see you again, Maddie. After all these years." Brian joined.

I rolled my blue eyes at him.

"Madison, Be nice." My mom reminded, in a firm voice but loving one.

"Okay, mom. I'm going back to sleep." I groggily said.

"I don't think so, young lady." My mom replied.

"But-" I was cut of by my mother. "Now get ready for school and eat your breakfast." Mom said.

"Oh, Alright!  I'm going to get ready upstairs." I grumbled.  

I went upstairs to take a bath. Then dressed up and got downstairs. I sat down the chair beside Brian. He was smirking at me. Oh my gosh.  He's so handsome. Wait! What am I thinking? I smiled slyly at him. I snapped out of my thoughts and ate my breakfast.

I noticed mom was looking at me and Brian when we were staring at each other. She winked at me. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." Mom smiled. I drank my milk. I smell, cologne...Mint. I glanced at Brian's direction. It's coming from him. He smells good. What is it with me?! 

When me and Brian were just about to open the door, Tyler was sitting at the porch.

"Who's that?" Brian whispered.

"My Best friend." I whispered back.

"And, who is this Maddie?" Tyler asked.

"He's Brian, A childhood friend." I introduced Brian.

"Brian, Tyler. Tyler, Brian." I introduced both of them.

Tyler lent  out a hand, Brian nodded.

"Come on let's go to school, guys!" I reminded them.

We waited at the bus stop. When the bus arrived, the two of them gave me way. Oh? Ladies First?

A little boy came to both of them. Brian ruffled his hair, while Tyler patted the boys head. Great. Just too great. They're so sweet. I smiled at them. 

"What are you looking at, Madison?" Tyler said.

"Oh. Nothing at all." My lips curled into a smiled.

I got out of the bus followed by Tyler and Brian.

Hailey was there waiting for me. "Hey Maddie! Who is this?" Hailey asked looking at Brian.

"Hailey, Brian. Brian, Hailey." I introduced.

"Hey Brian, What's your first period?" I asked.

"English! You?" Brian replied. "Really?! Me too!" I exclaimed.

I looked at Tyler, he's surrounded by his clique. And Ana, by the way, was with him, as always.

Suddenly, a hand snapped me out of my thoughts. I frowned, and I could tell that Brian understood what was going on.

"Let's go, now?" Brian smiled.

He held my hand and leaded me the way to first period, along with Hailey.

You belong with me [UNDERGOING SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now