Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I was so nervous to go into my own apartment, my hands were practically shaking. However, when I walked in, that nervous feeling completely left my mind. Michael was sitting on the couch, his head turning as I walked in.

"Y/N," He started, getting up and rushing over to me.

"Hey." I greeted him quietly. Suddenly, his rushing toward me came to a halt and I could see the excitement to see me quickly drop from his face.

"What's going on? Where did you go?" He asked, quickly wanting and answer.

"Nothing, I just-"

"I was so worried about you. I step away with Luke for a minute and the next thing I know Sophie was going crazy saying something about you leaving. Did Ashton say something to you and make you upset? Did I do something?" Michael probably had so many different assumptions going on in his mind and the last thing I wanted to do was tell him what really happened to make him upset. "I thought you got abducted or something." He finished, sighing.

"Michael, calm down," My lips were a flat smile as I brought my hand up to caress his face. I didn't say anything after that, I couldn't. My mind just kept bringing up the thought of letting him down only for my own personal needs, but I needed to start doing things for me. "We need to talk." I finally told him and I sucked in a breath while doing so. I moved behind him, walking around to the couch. I sat down and patted the cushion next to me, "Come here, please?" I felt like a mom ready to have a discerning talk with their child.

In the short time it took for him to walk over to me, out entire relationship flashed before my eyes like I was about to die. Truth was, and I finally could admit it to myself after spending the night with Ashton then with a strange bartender as it came to an end, I wasn't fooling anyone by being with Michael. As many times as I could convince myself I was perfectly happy, it was a lie. I'm not happy and I never was with him. From the minute Sophie had brought up the idea, I was pretending in my own head and pretending to have a good time. God, I felt like a terrible person, but what I really wanted; maybe I don't even know that yet, I just know it isn't Michael.

"What's wrong?" His concerned face almost made me retract my entire thought process and start from the beginning. He sat close to me, out knees touching and he placed a hand on my thigh, comfortingly. Suddenly, that mere breath I took before escaped me and I couldn't find the words to say it.

"I, I..." I paused taking a moment to regulate my breathing, "We need to talk." I choked out. I might have been making this more serious then it needed to be, but the only other time I ever broke up with someone was in college and even then, it was hard as hell to go through with it.

"What about?" Michael didn't look happy and I couldn't blame him—this entire situation sucked.

I placed my hand over his, "These past few months have been so great, Michael. But..."

"But... you're breaking up with me." Maybe if I busted out into the ugliest cry face he wouldn't be so harsh, but then again, nothing could be as harsh as being the one to conduct the break up.

I nodded slightly, "I'm sorry. I'm just so confused right now and to be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing."

"Y/N, what you're doing right now is making a big mistake." He cautioned, snatching his hand away from me, the ultimate sign that he was pissed off.

"What do you mean?" I deviated from the original plan to just rip it off like band-aid.

"I mean, you're breaking up with me only to get back with Ashton right? What did you leave the party to go hook up with him? You do that and he's just going to leave you right back where you were before we started dating." I honestly felt like I had just been punked, again. My mouth was agape with shock and I couldn't move—the shock freezing my entire body. "I knew I was a rebound and at first I didn't mind because I knew Ashton had been such a jerk to you so I thought, 'why not be nice? Show her that there are nice guys out there.' It was a mistake all from the start. Were you ever actually into me Y/N? Or were you hooked on Ashton the entire time and hooking up with him behind my back?" Michael stood up fiercely, shooting me an evil gaze.

I couldn't tell if he was actually enjoying this though, "That's not fair Michael." I choked out. "I never once went back to him, I would never do that to you. And why are you even acting like this? I thought you of all people would be different." I guess I was just seeing what I wanted to see.

"Well, I guess I'm not much different than, am I?" Before I could say anything in return, he stormed out, leaving my apartment and slamming the door.

I sat there astounded at the whole situation, running through it once again in my head. I peaked at the clock on the TV stand, it was now 2:30 am and I had managed to piss off everyone I once cared about.

And the only person I could blame was myself.

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