Waking and Sleeping to Frost

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(Reader's POV)

"Hey, are you all right?" I opened my eyes to ice-blue eyes of a boy with white hair. I could see my breath pass his pale face. His eyes seemed to look me over. "Hey, stay awake."

Everything was blurring white. My eyes were heavy and my bones felt frozen-stiff. "I'm... I'm so cold."

The boy's eyes widened as he frantically removed snow off of my body. "Hold on. Everything's gonna be fine. Just don't fall asleep, and I promise everything's gonna be fine." He removed the snow around my body and sat me up. He was crouched over me, holding my back up so my body wouldn't fall back into the snow. He looked around the area and carried me to a nearby cabin. He kicked the door open and laid me onto the bed. The boy removed my jacket and covered me with a blanket. "Now, just keep your eyes open," he smiled. He made a fire and looked out the window. "It doesn't look like anyone is coming back. Did your family--or someone-- leave you here?"

My eyes were heavy and the warmth was making me drowzy. "What... what's your name," I whispered.

He looked back at me. "Jack Frost," He said lowly. "Wait, you can see me? I mean, I know I was talking to you, but... I just figured you didn't hear me." His words faded as my heavy eyes closed.

"You have white hair," I slurred as I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I opened my eyes to a dark, fire-lit cabin. I sat up and looked around. I was alone with nothing but the smells of the burning wood.

I tried to look out the window, but it was frosted, but one part looked diffent from the others. It looked like some of the frost was wiped away. I walked to the window looking at some sort of message he must have left. "Getting food." I smiled and sat by the fire, wondering if his name really was Jack Frost.

As if on cue, the door slid open, bringing some of the cold in. "I hope you don't mind not having a balanced breakfast." Jack placed a plate of cookies and fruit cake on the floor. He smiled, placing his staff behind him. "I didn't want to get something you didn't liked, so I thought, 'who hates cookies'?"

"I like cookies, but I'm not in the mood for fruit cake." I smiled at him. "Thank you."

He swallowed his cookie and smirked. "Thank YOU." He gently bumped his shoulder against mine.

"What did I do?" I raised a brow.

He paused, looking into the fire as if he was recalling something. "You believe in me." He grinned, grabbing a cookie. "That's why you can see and hear me. I thought about it as I flew back over here."

I grabbed a cookie. "If you say so, I'm just glad you saved me." I smiled at him.

His eyes widened. "You don't believe I'm Jack Frost?" He looked at me. "THE Jack Frost."

"Well, the whole situation just seems so impossible." I swallowed my cookie.

Jack grinned. "Anything's possible."

"Maybe if you did something to prove you're Jack Frost I would believe you."

He held out a fist and opened it. A snowflake rose from his hand and flew around it as he moved his hand. He extended his hand to the window and the snowflake touched the window, freezing the glass and created fern patterns on it. He then held his palm out and a snow ball formed in it, he blew on it and the snow ball took a perfect form.

I smiled with eyes full of awe. "You just..." I was breathless as I just learned I was sitting next to THE Jack Frost. I looked at him.

Jack smiled at me. "Need something more?" He gently lifted my chin, causing our gazes to lock.

I grinned. "You're Jack Frost, and this is real."

He nodded, placing a cookie in his mouth. "Told you anything is possible." He stretched his back while lieing on himself down. He bit off a piece of the cookie. "So what's your name beautiful?"

"Beautiful?" He means me right?

He closed his eyes, swallowing his cookie. "What's your name?" He grinned, eyes stil closed.

I sat closer to him. "(_your name_)."

Jack sat up and our faces almost touched. The pierce of his eyes into mine. "I like it." He grinned, placing a hand on my face, slightly blushing.

My heart was beating as fast as this moment was happening. I could feel our breaths intertwining. This is really happening. What do I do?

Jack's eyes widened and he looked down. He cleared his throat, removing his hand off my face. "We should get you home."

I looked away, feeling a bit flushed. "Y-yeah. My parents are probably worried or something." I knew this was too good to be true.

I heard Jack take a deep breath. He turned back to me, smiling. "Don't worry, the fun doesn't end here."  He hoisted me onto his back and I gave him the address of my home.

As we flew I was breatheless to the view. I saw all the frozen mountains and trees from the area we were leaving. I was able to touch the cold, wet clouds as Jack flew higher. Jack laughed at my amusement and began flying like he was snow boarding on the wind, causing my arms to tighten on him. He flew into some more clouds and I became soaked. He then spiraled and caught be several times.

"Enjoying the flight are we?" He smiled at me.

I nodded. "This is amazing!"

It was night  when we arrived and we landed in the driveway. As I started walking to the door Jack took my hand.

"(_your name_)."

I looked back at him.

He was smiling. His ice blue gaze was soft and enticing. It was like he had frozen this moment in his globes. "We're going to have some fun tomorrow." He grinned. "Is that okay with you?"

I felt myself smile. "Of course."

He nodded, releasing his cool hold on my hand. "See you tomorrow, beautiful."

"What?" I blinked and he was already in the sky.  "Jack," I whispered. Do you really mean that, Jack? I walked into my house, explained some lie to my parents, and went into my room.

"See you tomorrow, beautiful."

I smiled to myself as I fell asleep. See you tomorrow, Jack.

(Jack's POV)

I watched (_your name_) sleep, wondering if she thought everything was a dream. She was one of the few that actually believed in me, and that was amazing to me. And the fact that she was older than a child made it somehow a miracle. I was happy that spent the day with her, that I could spend another day with a believer, who probably shouldn't believe to boot.

I smiled as gold sand glidded down to her room and gave her a dream.

"Sweet dreams, (_your name_)."

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