Everything's Going to be Fine

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(Jack's POV)

I tried not to look at the goblet of mermaid blood and lock gazes with (_your name_). It seemed like Pitch had told us everything. It seemed like having the mermaids be afraid of her wasn't that bad. Drinking the blood, yes, that's horrible. But, she and I could be together forever. I sighed and sat down, trying to think this through on my own.

(_your name_) sad down beside me, staring down at the liquid. "Do you think the man in the moon really won't stop my aging if I can't be a guardian?"

Air slowly filled my lungs and I froze. "I don't know." I let out the air. "And I can't help you become a guardian because I only know how I became a guardian."

(_your name_) looked at me. "How did you become a guardian?"

I pushed my staff into the sand, smiling. "I had a sister. She meant the entire world to me. She asked me to take her ice skating, so I asked my mom. After first she wasn't sure what to say because it was dangerous to ice skate, she didn't want us falling in. However, I convinced her that we would be careful. She approved and let us go ice skating, but we had to be back in time for dinner. The last thing I heard her say was be careful... And I told her we would. My sister and I skated and laughed. We played a chasing game and I showed her how to twirl on the ice. But then, she twirled and got stuck in the middle of the ice. She was scared she would fall in, so I told her we should play hopscotch. She thought I was trying to trick her, but I assured her that I wasn't. It was her turn and I could see she wasn't getting far enough from the middle, so I used my staff to push her out of the way. With my weight, I got her out of the way. She smiled the smile I would do anything for, the one that told me she would never be scared. I was happy that she was safe and sound. I was happy I got to see that smile one last time."

(_your name_) placed a hand on mine. "One last time?"

I nodded slowly and looked at the horizon. "I fell in, but I didn't care. My sister was safe and she could smile again. That was all that mattered." I saw Sandy and Tooth rapidly flying towards us.

Sandy's eyes widened when he landed and saw the goblet.

Tooth's eyes narrowed at the goblet. "What is that?"

Sandy softly tugged on Tooth's arm and pointed at a mermaid behind him.

Tooth's eyes widened. "A mermaid?!" She looked back at the goblet.

My eyes shifted from (_your name_) to Tooth. "It's not what you think! Pitch gave it to us. She hasn't drank any of the blood yet."

Sandy began walking to (_your name_). I stopped him halfway. "What are you doing?"

Tooth looked at me with heavy eyes. "Jack, she can't drink that."

I raised a brow. "Why not?"

Tooth began hovering closer. "It's a mermaid's blood, one of the most sacred things in folklore."

(_your name_) looked at Tooth with widened eyes. "What do you mean?"

Tooth let out a deep breath. "If you drink that, it means you're greedy, your heart is dark. Only dark people would drink it."

My eyes widened. "So it makes her dark?"

Tooth shook her head. "It means she is dark. She would rather be greedy and drink the blood than to keep with the balance of the world."

(_your name_) raised a brow. "Really? I control the balance of the world with this?"

Sandy shook his head and looked at Tooth. Tooth locked gazes with (_your name_). "You control the balance of your world. Drinking that would pause everything. Your age and your life."

(_your name_) looked down at the goblet. "What do you mean it pauses my life?"

Tooth locked gazes. "Your life with your friends and family would cease to exist. You wouldn't be able to go back to them. That is what makes you darker after you drink it."

I stepped forward. "But (_your name_)'s heart is filled with light and no darkness."

Tooth looked at me with a strong gaze. "If she drinks the blood, her heart is not filled with as much light as you think."

My eyes widened and I slowly looked back at (_your name_). Her eyes were wide and confusion was written all over them. I looked back at Tooth. "There has to be a way for her and I to be together."

Tooth pursed her lips and looked away.

I looked at Sandy. He shook his head with a frown.

I looked down at the ground, recalling what Bunny said. I remembered what he said about June. Then I remembered what Pitch did to June.

(Reader's POV)

Jack snatched the goblet from me. We all looked at him with widened eyes as he flew away. I didn't understand why he did that. I didn't understand why he was being aggresive.

 Almost instantly he flew back, frowning.

I ran to him. "What's wrong?"

Jack locked gazes with me. "Pitch wants you to drink that because he wants you dead."

My eyes widened. "It was poison?"

Jack shook his head. "But drinking that would have made you dead. You wouldn't be able to go back to your world, your life. You wouldn't even get to say good bye to anyone close to you." He held my hand and tenderly kissed it. "I don't want you to go through something like that, or even give that up."

Tears formed behind my eyes as I embraced Jack tightly. "But I want to be with you too.."

Jack wrapped his arms around me tightly, cupping my head. "I know... I know." He gently kissed the side of my head. "I'll never let you go."

I pulled back and locked gazes with Jack. "I never imagined you would."

Jack bit his lip and slowly kissed me. He softly kissed my cheek. "I need to talk to Tooth really quick."

I nodded and watched Jack walk to Tooth. They flew high into the air until I could see nothing but tiny outlines of their figures. Jack spoke with a lowered head and Tooth's head moved up and down every once and a while.

I turned to Sandy and he smiled at me. It made me smile and he form a small sand bear. It walked to me and snuggled against me. I laughed as it seemed to smile at me. It roared in a very cute and mannerly way. Sandy grinned, but he turned his head when Jack and Tooth returned to the island.

Jack smiled at me. "Ready to go?"

I blinked. "What?"

Jack grinned. "Are you ready to go on our next date?"

I stepped back. "It's not our last one is it?"

Jack frowned. "Why would you say that?"

I shrugged. "I have this strange feeling that it is. Besides Pitch is out there, and who knows what he's planning or planned?"

Jack held me. "It'll be alright. Everything's going to be fine." He kissed the side of my head. "I promise."

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