He's back

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(yes, i am aware everything is written badly,,, I did this so long ago ignore it the story gets better, lmao pls keep reading dkm)

We all spent the night outside by the fire eating marsh mellows and drinking. At about 2:30 Damon and Elena called it quits, the two of them quietly headed in side to get some sleep, the rest of them were outide still talking. Heading into the kitchen to put away their glasses they hear someone upstairs knowing everyone was outside.

Damon grabbed a knife even though if it were a vampire up there they would still get sometime if they had to use it. Elena walks behind him as Damon walks up the stairs into Caroline and Bonnie's room. To the left of that room is Alaric Stefan and Jeremy's room they all share and obviously Damon and Elena were up stairs. They hear a voice talking so they kept calm and listened closely. "Mate I have to let you go I hear someone coming" "Elena I want you to stay quiet Klaus is in Bonnie and Caroline's room and if you make a sound he will hear you I don't know why he's here or what he wants from us but I need you to go upstairs I'll be there soon" said Damon. "No I'm staying" "Please just go I'll be fine" Elena makes her way upstairs closing the door and as she changes into her pyjamas. Damons walks into the girls room and sees Kalus he walks in. Kalus turns around "hello mate I mean you all no harm I've just come to see Caroline." "well that's going to be a bit of an issue." "And why is that." "So, you know my little brother?" *Kalus knows who he is they have history but instead he says* "Don't think I've heard of him tell me more." "Okay.. Well he used to rip people's heads off and suck there blood and now he drinks animal blood. Oh! And he has mommy issues but I'll leave that to him and my mom." "Oh yes Stefan the one who saved your life and came with me to make my hybrids that failed because you and your little friends kept Elena alive." "Ok yes we've been through this once let's not start it again, what I was saying is your lover *laughs* kinda moved on to Stefan and there really weird so I don't know what's going on like he said he would wait for her and she just starred and it was really awkward but they might of talked about it, so you got a 50/50 change of getting the girl." "Well thank you for telling me. I hope to see you soon."

Kalus walkes down  stairs and Damon quickly gets Elena and explains what happened. She wasn't shocked at all. "Kalus" said Elena as her and Damon follow him before he makes it out side. "Yes love." She takes a deep breath " Don't you think it's a good idea if you just leave them alone tonight and talk to her tomorrow." "Well that would ruin the fun of crashing the party now wouldn't it?" "Desperateeee" said Damon wispering in Elenas ear. Mean while everyone outside was still drunk but sobering up. Soon enough Kalus steps outside and Bonnie's the first to notice as she stares him down with those deathly eyes. Everyone looks up to see him as he takes a seat next to Caroline. "Hello love have you missed me." Stefan steps up "Klaus what are you doing here I think it's best that you leave!" "Sorry I forgot you felt for this girl, my bad mate, you know nothing about you really rings a bell." "Klaus!!!" Said Caroline.

"Love why don't you meet me upstairs so we can have a little chat shall we?" Stefan steps up agin to defend her "Stefan I'll be fine." The two walk up stairs into Caroline and Bonnie's room. They sit on the bed and he starts "Caroline let me explain my self, we left off as me leaving but I can't stop thinking about you and what we did in the forest before I left was great *smirks*" "But I don't feel anything for you... Anymore anyways." "But you once told me so many things that have made me a better man and I wanted to prove it to you if you just give me chance." "Kalus.. I don't know what to tell you." "You don't have to say anything I just wanted you to know that I love you Caroline Forbes, I've felt for you ever since I came to heal you from your vampire bite that I will always regret making Tyler do." Caroline smiles but looks down she doesn't want to feel for him because she's already almost in love with Stefan and she's very confused. He leans in for a kiss and she follows. Almost 5 seconds into it Elena comes in shocked and awkwardly turns around very confused. They break the kiss and Kalus leaves. Everyone goes to sleep Elena doesn't tell anyone but Damon who she can trust with her life. But Stefan will find out sooner or later.

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