Pt 2

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|previously on the vampire diaries; after. Elena and Damon go up to New Orleans and are staying with Caroline and Klaus. Later in the night Katherine calls Elena begging for forgiveness because her and Stefan are apparently in a life or death situation|

"I'll call Caroline and Klaus." Damon said and sped to them.

"Listen Katherine tell me where you are."

"Umm well the last thing I remember was being shot with Stefan and now we are in the trunk of a car tied with vervain somehow I managed to break out of it and call you."

"Do you know who took you?"

"What the hell is going on here!" Some guy yelled in the back and I heard a car trunk open. I quickly went on mute so that this person couldn't hear us.

"Elena your shaking...." Damon said and held my hand.

"Wha-what if-if something happens to Stef- stefan- D-Damon then wh-what?" I freaked.

"Nothing! Nothing!" Stefan yelled.

"Hmmm okay....let me just..." She said and I could hear them screech.

"O-okay E-El-Elena you still he- here?" Stefan stuttered.

"Yeah yeah yeah me Damon, Caroline and Klaus."

"Good good...track us...please..." Stefan said and I could hear the fear in his voice. His strength slowly dying down.

"Stefan I promise you.....we will find you and bring you home." Caroline said.

Stefan hung up. 

"Damon...what are we going to do...Stefan....Katherine....crazy person...we need to we need to track them." I said pacing back and forth.

"Hey hey hey....calm down Elena...lets all pack some stuff up and go back down to Mystic Falls. We can see if witchy will do us a spell and then we're off."

"Okay...okay, your right everything's going to be fine...we will find Bonnie and she will locate them." I said trying to reassure myself.

"If this is the plan I'm coming guys are going to need backup specifically a 1000 year old hybrid who can't die unless someone chops my head off." He smirked.


"Wow....that's a lot to take in...are you sure you guys want to go?"

"Positive." Caroline said and held Elenas hand.

"Alright." Bonnie said and began her spell with a map and 2 things that have been used to trace them down: both of their hair brushes which contain strands of hair that were connected to them.


"Portland?" Damon said and scratched his head.

"Why would they be in Portland?" Elena said taking another look at the map.

"Can you give us an exact address love?" Klaus asked Bonnie.


"Are you sure you guys are going to do this?" Bonnie and Jeremy who later joined her asked us.

"Positive...they need our help." Elena said.

"Please....please...keep her safe." Jeremy said to Damon as he hugged Elena goodbye.

"Always." Damon said and winked at Jeremy.

"Bye Jer...bye bon, I'll make sure to keep you updated." Elena said and hugged Bonnie.

"I'll drive love." Klaus said and took the keys from Elenas hand. Elena still wasn't the biggest fan of Klaus and Caroline...he did try to kill her multiple times but if Caroline was happy she has except it.

"Actually love...I'm driving." Damon mocked Klaus and snatched the keys.


"And......we should be here.....I think..." Caroline said looking at the big house with a huge lot and back at the map.

All four of them hopped out of the car keeping their distance from the house. Damon and Klaus held on to their backpacks with all the essentials as Caroline and Elena mentally prepared themselves.

"Lets kill this bitch." Damon said as they walked up the steps of the house.

" ones home...shit." Caroline said and turned around.

"Not so fast...." Elena said and picked up a note on the table. She read it out loud as Damon rubbed her back.

"Did you really think I would make it this easy."
              - Kai

*this concludes the book but it's only part one! Tomorrow I'm going to post a sneak peak of what chapter one of part two looks like....the full version of that  chapter will also be published in its own book! The book will be on my page and I strongly recommend that you add it to your reading this because I want you guys to experience my tvd gang taking another step in their lives! I've had so much fun making this book and I intend to continue that in part 2*

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