Classy till the end

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^video only relates to my story from when she's sleeping in her bed the rest doesn't relate to my story sorry^

"AAHHH" Bonnie jumps out of her bed out of breath as she wakes up from a bad dream. The first thing that runs through her head is what Matt told her a while ago, if Bonnie bennet has a vision it must mean something. She called Elena. She hears her phone ring and grabs it reaching over Damon. Caroline and Damon were still asleep. She went into the bathroom so that she wouldn't make to much noise. "Hey Elena." "Hey Bon." "So... last night I had a really bad dream, it might have even been vision." She says still confused herself. "What was it about?" "Well your going to think I'm crazy but I saw Katherine......she was trapped and she was trying to escape. She could see all of us but everyone except for me couldn't. She was yelling for help. I don't know what to do Elena I'm really confused." "'s" Elena says walking back and forth in the bathroom. "I didn't want to scare you but please don't tell anyone I need to figure this out today." Bonnie says as she tries to remember a spell that she saw in Ketsias spell book a long time ago. She hangs up the phone and lights candles in her dorm room at Whitmore. She sits in the circle of candles. "phasmatos tribum, nas ex viras sequite sanguinem. Okay no it's not that." The candles burn out. "Let me try again." She takes out a Map, Black Sand, Candles, and the only thing missing, a connnection to the Target.
"Chasé la verde la perdo. Chasé la verde la perso." Nothing happens, she calles Elena because it would channel her since she is a Petrova doppelgänger. "Sorry to bug you but you need to come to Whitmore because I need you in order to do the spell." "Uh yeah we are packing up to come back it will take a while though. I'll make Damon drop me off. See you soon." She hung up.
"Okay guys everyone finish packing we need to go back. Damon your dropping me off at Whitnore on the way home." He gives her a look and she kisses him. "Fine..." he smirks.

"KLAUS WHY ARE YOU HERE!!?!" Stefan yells as Kalus is still pinned up against the wall. "WOAH WOAH WOAH. I just came to see you I saw you guys in New-" Stefan cuts him off and finishes Klauses sentence. "Orleans while you were with my EX girlfriend. Oh and let's not forget that you kissed her back at the cottage." Stefan says as steam is basically coming out of his ears. "Hey, hey, hey.....calm down I'm sorry mate. I can't help that I love her." Klaus says "I don't mean to do this but get out of my house." Stefan says as he sits down on his lounge chair in the living room next to the fire place. Klaus leaves.

"Okay Care bear, you gonna tell us what happened with you and Stefan." Damon asked her from the drivers seat. Caroline sighs and explained everything. After about a half hour of her very detailed story they arrive at Whitmore. Damon unlocks the car and him and Elena step out as Caroline changes her seat to the passenger seat. "I guess your sleeping here, considering its already 8:00pm and I'm not up for another drive with Care bear as interesting her stories are." He says clearly being sarcastic.
"I'll call you in the morning, bye." Damon kisses her and Caroline rolls her eyes from in the car.
Bonnie was getting a coffee on the campus. "Hey Elena you made it." Bonnie and Elena hug. She sips her coffee "okay so all I'm going to do is hold your hand and do everything else that I would usually do for the spell. "Alright." Elena says worry free. Bonnie places the candles around her and they sit in the circle. Bonnie replaces the map and black sand and starts the spell. She closes her eyes "Chasé la verde la perdo. Chasé la verde la perso." Bonnie gets a vision of where Katherine is. She sees a different version of what 'the other side' used to look like before it was taken down. She can still see us and we can't see her but in different ways she's always reminded of every bad thing that she has ever done hurt or kill someone. And once she is reminded of it, the same happens to her. Bonnie gasps for air as if she was under water. "SHES IN HELL." She says no meaning to yell but it all made sense. When Katherine tried to go through the other side it wouldn't let her and she got sucked up by darkness which lead her to hell. "Classy till the end Katherine." Elena says under her breath.

After finishing a bottle or two Stefan goes upstairs and gets ready for bed.

Caroline got dropped off at her house from Damon a while ago and now she was just unpacking her bags. She hears a knock on the door and puts on her best fake happy face. She opens it and sees Klaus for about a good 10 seconds they stood there staring at each other. Caroline sits on the couch and hits her hand on the space beside her telling him to sit. "Why did you come back for me?" Caroline asks. "I know what you did." He responds "What do you mean?" "I know that you broke up with Stefan.......for me." Klaus says. Caroline looks at him nervously and tucks her hair behind her ear "Uh yeah....I guess that's true." "Why you could of just never told him."
Klaus told her acting as if that was the best solution. "Do you know what it's like, to be with someone but still know that you have feelings for and love someone else." Klaus had his head down and as soon as he heard feelings and love he looked up at her with the most relief on his face ever. She continues "having to bottle up all of your feelings and pretending like they are not there but every time you hear there name you get butterflies. Klaus.....I love you..." She looks up at him smiling her eyes following his every move. He looks at her trying to take in what just happened. She starts again. "I love yo-" Klaus quickly walks up to her and kisses her. Caroline was caught off guard but still kissed him back. They broke the kiss for a brief second as Klaus says "I've been waiting for this moment for 3 years love." Caroline happily laughs but he interrupted her again and kissed her.
"What are we going to do now....Katherine is going to want us to set her free, I thought she would be dead forever." Bonnie says angered
"You know Katherine she's a survivor, I've always kinda liked her for that.... no matter what came in her way she always seemed to survive." Elena says undoing her bed.
"Night." Bonnie says as she is already half asleep. Elena puts her head down and can't help but think what they will do with Katherine now.
"Wake up, god it's weird seeing you again."
Elena opens her eyes and is terrified by who is beside her.

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