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"Rebekah I'm serious if the two epic loves of my lives had a sister that they don't know about I think you would want to know too, spill it." Elena says annoyed. "Fine, fine I met her in New Orlands last year *flash back to Rebekah*
New Orlands
"Excuse me some people have places to be." Says Rebekah angered trying to get through a crowd of people. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to get in your way." Says a woman who looks about Damons age. "No trouble but I must get home now." Rebekah leaves. The next day Rebekah was in town with Klaus and at the corner of her eye she sees this woman again. "Kalus walk without me I'll meet you at home."
"Excuse me, we met yesterday I'm Rebekah. She shakes her hand. "Nathalie Salvatore."
*present time Mystic Grill*
"So how come you didn't tell us about her when you guys first met." Elena says interested. "Please do you ever just shut up." Rebekah says annoyed. "Let me continue"

"Salvatore, huh I have a couple of friends back in Mystic Falls, Damon and Stefan Salvatore." Rebekah says wanting to learn more. "Wow really I've never heard of them maybe we're related, do you know who there mother was because I've never met my father. My mom told me that after I was born she left and we had to live on our own." Nathalie explains. "Interesting well you should come up to my place just down the street and we can chat."
*rebekahs house*
"I don't know who there mother is I'm sorry."
"Well she never told me about her life before me all I know is she had some friends that she took in as her own there was about 5 or 6 of them. Then one day they all left and I never saw my mother again."  Rebekah looked confused. "Sorry this is an odd questions but did your mom or you have any relationship to witches or vampires." Rebekah was planning to compel her to forget that she asked this questions if Nathalie had no clue what she was taking about. "Ummm.. I don't think that is very important is it now." Nathalie said in a rude tone. "Tell me everything you know about your family before I snap your head off." Rebekah compelled her to say everything.
*present day*
"So yes she was a vampire and so was her mom but her mom was a vampire and a which, long story. Anyways Nathalie was turned by her mom because Lily (her mom) wanted them to stay together forever.
"Wow, okay that's a lot of detail have fun telling them." Elena says shocked.
"Please sit down, I'm not done."
"Okay Nathalie I think I know who your family is and where your mother is. I have a friend his name is Tyler Lockwood he was good friends with my brother Klaus. Tyler is also good friends with Damon and Stefan, Damon was trapped in a prison world a while ago with his two friends and when the finally found a loop hole to get out, Bonnie (one of the friends that was in the prison world) got a video of a woman on tape.....who ended up being Damons mother." Rebekah feels guilty spilling all of these details but it has to be said. "So your telling me that my mother and her friends are trapped in a prison world right now!!" "Well not exactly she and her friends which she calls family escaped and are in Mystic Falls right now...."

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