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*katherines perspective*
Do you ever wake up and not realize where you are. It's like a foreign space. I feel that right now....but I know I'm safe. I open my eyes and it's dark. I put my hands out to feel the area around me and all I can grasp is a body....a very muscular one too. Stefan Salvatore. I look up at him sleeping as I take the covers off of me and try to get out of his room. "Morning." He hears me trying to sneak out.

Stefan raises his body up against his head board. "Ugh...morning." Katherine says fake smiling pretending that she wasn't sneaking out. "Why you up so early?" Stefan asks "I thought you would still be tired from last night." He added. "Huh...yeah, it was grea-" "fantastic." He cut her off. "I should get going now." She says as she tries to get her pants on.
She opens the door. "Leaving so soon." Damon says standing outside of the door. "I'll make you breakfast in a bit, stay a while." Damon tells her to piss her off even more. Damon walks back into his room finding Elena still asleep. He sits beside her and leaves a trail of kissing going up her arm to her neck. "Mmmmmm....morning." She says enjoying it. "Meet me downstairs in 20 mins I'm making breakfast and change into something that I can't rip off of you and throw you into my bed in." "So like this top, and this one, and this one?" She teased him going through her drawer. "You know what wear one of my shirts." He says raising his eyebrows and doing that eye thing that Elena goes crazy for. "I've already ripped most of those but alright." She giggles trying to hold in her laughter pulling her cheeks in tigher with her teeth. Which is also resisting her from kissing him which would delay her getting ready. Damon speed to his wardrobe and came up to her very closely "wear this." He places it in her hand. She smirked and then gave him a quick small kiss.

Stefan stepped out of bed and walked up to Katherine. "You know I better not just be a booty call to you." She says. "That's not all your good for, at least I can find the good in you and not just in bed." He tilts his head down looking into her eyes. "See you downstairs." She said.
"Join the party." Damon says as he dances to the music playing while making pancakes. Katherine rolls her eyes and takes a seat. "Where's Elena." She asked him. "Getting dresse--"
"Here." She says buttoning up Damons shirt showing him that it's easy to rip off." Damon smirks checking her out. "Damon!" Katherine says as he's still looking at Elena. "Damon, Damon the pancakes." Katherine said again. Damon looks down at the grill seeing 2 burnt pancakes. He licks his lips. "Shame." Elena takes a seat closet to Damon. Stefan walks down the stairs and sits next to Katherine. "Mmmmm pancakes." Katherine smirks at him. "Ew! Take your gross relationship else where please." Damon says over exaggerating. "Aw is Damon jealous." Katherine says faking a sad face. "More like embarrassed, how could I be jealous when I have her." Damon says looking over to Elena. She blushes and puts her head down feeling awkward around Katherine and Stefan.

"Elijah?" Rebekah says as he picks up his phone. "I need you to come down to mystic falls Nick (Kalus) is down here too with that Barbie doll, I have very important news." Rebekah says feeling nervous. "I'll try to be there soon...I guess I'm bringing Hope too, I was watching her today. If Caroline is going to be part of the family she must meet Hope." (FYI, hope is Klaus' daughter on CWs The Origionals spin off of The Vampire Diaries) "I guess so, see you soon." Rebekah makes her way to Carolines house.
"Someone is at the door." Kalus says laying in bed with Caroline. "They can wait." She says as she continued to kiss him.
"Nick?" Rebekah says from outside. "'s Rebekah." Klaus says. "Rebekah?"
"Yes it's Rebekah now open up." She says since she can hear them talking. Caroline and Kalus get up and throw some decent clothes on. "Rebekah.....what brings you here?" Klaus asks opening the door with Caroline. "I've got some news, I'm not sure if you've heard but I'm waiting for Elijah to come so I can tell you both." Caroline stands at the door. "Both? Don't you mean all three of you?" She asks annoyed. "Okay fine I'll tell you too." "Play nice." Klaus tells them.  "So are you going to invite me in? I mean you've already invited in the most powerful supernatural creature on the world so I don't think I could do worse." Caroline and Klaus sit down. "Come and sit." Rebekah walks in and shuts the door behind her.

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