Crossed paths

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"Shit! Stefan puts some clothes on Rebekah's here!!" Caroline throws Stefan his pants and she walks out of the door fixing her hair in a rush. "Rebekah!" She says as she fakes her happiness. "Where's the girl." Rebekah walks up the stairs. Her eyes buldge as she witnesses Nathalie's dead body on the floor. "We need this gone now."
Everyone gets in Damons car. They drive to Rebekah's house so that they can store the body and possibly call a which to examine this problem. "This is my place right here." "Okayy everyone out." Damon says.
Rebekah leads everyone inside "Care, me and Damon are gonna hang out outside for a bit we'll be in soon." Stefan says. Rebekah goes to the bathroom right away as Elena and Caroline sit on the couch. "This place is nice." Caroline says as she gets up from the couch walking into the kitchen. Her head is down as she's looking at the marble floor. She raises her head and jumps " scared me. Don't ever do that again." She looks at him and smiles nervously.
"Hello love." Klaus says gazing into her eyes.
"I'm going to find a place to hide this body I'll be back soon. Whatever you do don't ruin my house." Rebekah says as she walks out the door.  Caroline and Klaus sit on the couch next to Elena. "Ummm I'm going outside." Elena quickly heads out with Damon and Stefan.
"So what's new?" Klaus asks. "I haven't seen you in 3 years and I'm not including the time that we kissed at the cottage, and you expect me to have a normal conversation, after you told me you'd never return to Mystic Falls." Caroline says. "I did say that didn't I. But I never broke my promise I didn't go to Mystic Falls, you came here didn't you. And you thought that you wouldn't see me. Please I'd jump to the chance just to see you for even a second." He says. "Klaus I'm not doing this again." She laughs. "Caroline, I've never stopped loving you." Kalus says. They both stare into each other's eyes. There eyes said words their mouths never said.

"Why did you leave Caroline alone?" Stefan said. "I just wanted to come out and see you guys she's checking out the house." Elena said trying not to be too obvious that something was going on. "Whatever let's just wait for Rebekah." Damon said as he put his arm around Elena. Klaus put his hand on her thigh. Caroline looks down at his hand and looks up at him with that 'really I said I'm not doing this' look. Her body fills with tingles going up and down her body wanting to kiss him so bad. She bites her lip holding it in. She turns her head as Klaus turns it back to him as he speeds them to the wall and kisses her. They stop for a moment and look at each other regretting but at the same time happy that this happened. They start passionately kissing as Caroline raises his shirt off. Now Kalus is against the wall. He ripped off her top. They go in one of the bedrooms and shut the door. They lay down on the bed and continue there make out.
"I'm going inside." Stefan says he opens the door, looks around and sees no one. He opens the bedroom door.

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