Finding the unknown

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*the video only makes sense until Stefan stops reading, the rest of it doesn't match the story*

"Elena I don't ev-" Elena stops him from talking and kisses him. "It will be fine relax." She puts her arms around his neck. "Do you trust me." She asks him. "I trust you but care bear over there she might even plan her a surprise party." Damon says sarcastically. Elena looks and him and smirks.

"Your lucky I love you." Stefan laughs "Hey!" Caroline throws a pillow at him.
"Hey Care, me and Damon are coming to pick you too up in and hour he ready, pack things if you want but this is going to be fun." "Alright see you soon." Caroline hangs up. "Really an hour do you honestly think that's enough time for my brother to perfect his hero hair." Damon laughs. "Oh shut up." Elena jumps on the bed.

*BEEP BEEP* Damon aggressively honks the horn too lazy to get out of the car to call Caroline and Stefan. "I'M COMING." Caroline yells. Stefan locks the door to the house as Caroline steps in the car, "okay do you think two full sized luggage swill be enough." Caroline says totally serious. Damon and Elena turn around "really."

"Here we are, New Orleans." Damon says. They get out of the car and unload there bags. The four of them shared a room at a motel one bed for each couple. "I'll call Rebekah she'll tell me where to find her." Elena says as she dials her number. "Eeeee I'm so excited." Caroline says then kisses Stefan. "Hi Rebekah, me Damon, Stefan and Caroline are here in New Orleans. Could you give us an address so that we can see Nathalie, don't tell her we are doing to see her though." Elena asks. "11 calvington drive, have fun."
Elena tells everyone the address and they step in the car. On the way there Caroline sees a market "Damon could we stop her I want to walk around, and you guys can stop at this bar." "Fine, but make it quick." Damon replies. Elena gets out of the car, shuts the door and then re opens it to kiss Damon. Damon turns around to see Stefan and raises his eyebrows happily.
Elena and Caroline look at little nik nacs while walking down the street. "Sooooo, what if we saw Klaus... I know you guys had a thing and YES I know your with Stefan but is the flame still there?" Elena questions her. "Elena.... I don't know, seeing him my spark some old flames but I honestly don't think I could do that to Stefan I love him."

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