Chapter 1: The Warlord is back!

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Chapter 1: The Warlord is back!



Rina's P.O.V



          Seeing his face again is a refreshing feeling.

          The angst aura of Jasper Dwane Villafuerte, his smirk, his bad boy attitude, everything about him shouts trouble same with the first impression I have with him. But then, his uncharismatic charms become the reason why I fall for him.

          He is not my ideal man but...I don't know why I fall for him.

          Maybe, there is something about him that make you want him. No wonder many girls fall and drool over him. And unfortunately, I become one of them.

          "JD..." I utter his name before my mind can think.

          He looks straight into my eyes. The same eyes that look over me before.

          Why is it that whenever I am in trouble he's always there to help? Why him, of all the guy in the world, why did I like this guy?

          "Better get your ass off here stepsister. I don't want to get involve with any trouble." he said then walk away.

          The coldness in his voice makes me shiver. And I know one thing...

          He still hates me.

          "JD!" I shout his name.

          He stops but never turned his head back to me.


          "No reason. Don't flatter yourself."

          Before I can finish my sentence, he interrupted me with those hurtful words.

          And here I thought he will be the same. The same JD who never—okay, what I am thinking? He's JD right? So what do I expect?

          After all, I deserve this.

          I was about to follow him to his car—I think—around the corner when a girl come out from his car.

          "What took you so long?" the girl said.

          Somehow I feel hurt when that girl wrap his arm around JD and then JD smile to that girl.

          "I just saw familiar face."


          The girl is about to look at my direction but JD put his body in front of that girl so that she can not see me.

          "Let's get inside. My Dad waits for us."

          "Oh yes! I am so excited to see him!"

          Familiar face...that's what he called me right? Just a familiar face.

          I smile to myself.

          "What are you thinking Rina?" I said to myself.

          I pick my bag that has been throw off when those bad guys attacked me. I wipe the dirt on it when I saw droplets of water fall into it. Then all of sudden I begun to cry.

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