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   "Wow Amanda I can't believe how you saved the game! That's awesome, how you took out most of the Ares kids" Will flattered.

   Will was a son of Apollo. I have to say, after the Aphrodite boys, the Apollo boys were pretty big players. Will is trying to get me to go out with him, but I wasn't cracking.
"Alright Will, that's enough. Leave before I cut your head off" Madi threatened.

"Fine, whatever." Will pouted.
"But really Amanda, you were amazing." Madi praised.

"You were the one who won the game" I insisted.

   We were walking over to the fire pit. The camp has a fire side sing-a-long every night, and this is my first one.
   After announcements I started talking to Madi about stuff, like how I met Brady. Then I saw James walking towards us.
"What do I do?!" I asked frantically

"Don't worry you're both human, so just talk to him" Madi answered, annoyed.

   As James got closer, I saw a pale boy with jet black hair walking with James.
Hey, Madi, who's that?" I asked.

To late James was already at us.
"Hey guys. This this is Eric, the most recent son of Hades. Eric, this is Amanda" James explained.

"Hi" I stuck out my hand.

"Hey" Eric shrugged and put his hands in his pocket, completely ignoring my open hand. I put down my hand. He walked away awkwardly.
"He's not really a people person" James joked. I chuckled uncomfortably.

Ugh. I'm so bad at this I thought. 

   "So you excited about the field trip tomorrow?" James asked.

"I'll leave you two, to talk" Madi said winking at me.

"Uh, yeah super excited. What's that?" I said pointing to a shiny thing poking out of his pocket.

"This," he said pulling out a pen from his pocket "is Riptide. My brother gave it to me". He uncapped the cheep ballpoint pen to reveal a 3 foot bronze sword.

"Woah" I said in awe.

"Yeah" he said.

Madi was right, he was easy to talk to. Just like a regular human being.
   Right before I was going to say something, the Apollo cabin started singing.


I sang a few songs, but then there was a barking sound that echoed from the woods. Everyone seemed to tense and a ferocious looking white timber wolf emerged out of the woods.

   The Ares cabin drew their weapons and attacked. The wolf seemed invincible. All the weapons bounced off the wolf's fur like metal. Then the whole camp attacked the animal, except me.
   The creature looked scared. So in the loudest voice I could manage, I yelled for everyone to stop.
   Oddly enough, everyone stopped. I approached the wolf. I don't know how but I could tell it was a young wolf.
   I slowly approached the animal whispering for it to back down. Everyone was staring at me. I slowly reached out to stroke its fur. At first he snarled at me and every jumped raising their weapons, but then I touched his smooth, lush fur. It was weird feeling something so soft, when his fur was like amour.

   I kept whispering to him, telling him that we were friendly.
   Then he jumped on me. Everyone charged, but I laughed. I knew he was playing, which is weird because I never studied animal behavior.
"He's playing!" I laughed to everyone, while the pup was jumping all over me.

   I kept talking to the pup and he got of. Everyone stared.
"What, can't all half-bloods talk to animals?"I asked, "I was talking English, you all heard me, right?"

"No, the last half-blood that talked to animals was in the 1600s. He was the only should of Pan. It's extremely rare. You were speaking Huntongue. It's like Harry Potter's parseltongue" Madi explained.
I think I'm gonna be sick, I thought.

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