Split Up

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She looked me in the eyes, and saw the gears turning. It made so much sense now.

"Where are they? Megan, Madi, and Sadie?" I shouted, taking a step forward,"If you've hurt them I'll hurt you beyond pain"

My friends who had been sleeping stirred, and stood or sat up to see what was happening.

"Aw, that's not how you greet someone, is it?" Jess said with fake hurt.

"Amanda, what's happening?" James asked, "Why are you yelling at her?"

"The prophecy! 'Wisdom and two beauties will be captured by a descendant of mail' and Hymen said that a daughter of Hermes had disappeared with Megan, Madi, and Sadie! That's why we felt like we were being followed" I shouted.

"Huh? What? No way" James said.

MK had gotten up and flew herself at Jess.
"You! You're as good as dead if they're not back here right now!" She screamed, and Eric had to get up and grab her from slapping Jess.

"Now, now, you can have your friends if you give me the Flame" Jess said calmly.

"Why do you want the Flame?" MK asked from the grips of Eric.

"Well, let's see, should I tell you? Why not, Olympus will be gone before tomorrow anyways. Amanda, you already know a part of the plan!"

"I do?" I asked.

"Why, of course. When your daddy was talking to you, he mentioned how Zeus was possessed by an evil force"

I looked at her with a murderous and curious expression.

"Well, I'm working for that force. If I destroy the Flame, I'll be salvaged from the damage that will come. I won't be overlooked as a daughter of Hermes, the boring, crappy god. No, I'll almost be celebrated. The Flame, if you would please" she said, sticking out her hand.

"You know well that we're not handing it over" I growled.

Jess sighed and retracted her hand.
"I anticipated that answer. Very well, then. I was giving you an easy way out. You, too, could have be saved from the Force's wrath. He will meet you when you reach Olympus. Good riddance"
She turned to leave.

"Wait" I said and she stopped in her tracks, "Megan, Madi, and Sadie"

Jess turned around.
"Those three? I would like to see you struggle, so why not. They're in California. Las Angles, if you're so curious. Now, since I've told you, I can't let you get away so easy. Tonight, at exactly midnight, are Force's plan will be in full spin. That's when your friends will die. Have fun" She whispered something and her shoes sprouted wings. She lifted into the air without another word and left.

"Now what?" Ben asked.

"We'll have to split up. Three will go get Madi, Megan, and Sadie, four will restore the Flame" I sighed, "This sucks"

"I'll go get them" Eric volunteers, "I can shadowtravel"

"I'll go with him" MK said.

"Me too" James offered.

I looked him in the eye. Now it was my time to look worried.

"We'll be fine" he assured me.

Apparently it was his time to lie. I nodded.

"Amanda, can you shadowtravel to New York? The plan commences in less than an hour"

My mouthed grew dry.
"Yeah" I croaked.

"Okay. Prince will stay here with the stuff and we'll come back for him. Let's go" Gabby said.

We all stepped out into the forest. I grabbed Gabby and Dan's hands, and they grabbed Ben's. The moonlight gracefully slid over us.

Mom, I thought, If you're listening, please help.

"Bye" I said, looking over to Eric, MK, and James.

I closed my eyes and thought really hard. Then we were swallowed by darkness.

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