God of Marrige

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   The taste of rabbit stew washed over me like a wave of fresh water after being stuck in the desert for months. My eyes fluttered open to see James bent over, forcing ambrosia into my mouth.

"She's awake" MK annouced.

"No dip" Gabby muttered.

James tackled me in a hug. The smell of sea salt filled my nose and I felt so much better. I attempted to hug him back, but James's hug had my arms pinned to my side. I could see MK smirking the in corner of the room. I tried to sit up, but the world was completely fuzzy and my head throbbed. James stood up, as if realizing what he did, and handed me a canteen of nectar.

"T-thanks" I managed.

Dan approached me with bandages and began wrapping my back up. I grimaced with pain as he touched the cut, but I just bit my lip and stayed quiet. I was not good with pain.

"You all are worthy of my help. When you are ready to leave, I will tell you all I know" The man said from the darkest corner of the room.

"Why you little s-" Gabby was cut off.

"Gabriella, stop. This isn't any man. Hello Hymeaeus" Eric said from the floor where he was sitting.

"Wait, the god of weddings?" MK asked.

"Tis I" Hymeaeus mocked, "Took you long enough"

"If you're a god, and you think we're worthy, heal her!" MK demanded.

"Oh I can't, you have to do that on you're own"

"Where are the others?" Gabby asked, not directed at anyone.

"I don't know, four of them disappeared during the Test" Hymen replied bored.

"Four?" I demanded. I finally had enough strength to speak clearly.

"Yes, the daughter of Athena, the two daughters of Aphrodite, and the daughter of Hermes. Aren't there 10 of you?" Hymen said, confused.

Oh. My. Gods." Gabby said and then turned to me.

I gravely nodded my head. We both knew we were being followed. It must have been who Hymeaeus claimed to be the daughter of Hermes.

"Do you know where they went?" Gabby asked.

"No. Now you must be on your way, for I cannot house you any longer. You can find Prometheus atop Pikes Peak in Colorado. He will tell you where the flame is. Good luck" and with a wave of Hymeaeus' hand, we all appeared in a street. Prince was at our side.

"I hate him so much. I'm gonna go punch something, be right back" Gabby growled.

I shifted in my sot on the ground. My back was still in pain. A lot of pain. I forced a smile on my face and stood up. I saw spots, but my eyes finally focused and I could see straight. James looked concerned for me.

"I'm fine" I lied.

He smiled, but I saw worry in his eyes.

"So we have to find Prometheus and three of our friends, plus one foe. Yay" I sighed.

"We'll do it" James assured.


Gabby walked back to us.

"So where were we?" She asked.

"More like where are we. This is not Michigan" Dan said. I pulled out my GPS.

"We, my good sir, are in Colorado. But not close enough to Pikes Peak" I said. I grabbed my back and bit back a scream.

"Let's get going" I said through clenched teeth.

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