Pikes Peak

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In one word, that is what I'm feeling now.


MK went and asked a police officer where Pikes Peak was, and he directed us to it. Fortunately, we were only a few miles away. Unfortunately, Pikes Peak wasn't open to the public. I mean, yeah we could use Prince to fly us up there, or at least over the fence. But that would attract attention to us.

"I don't see any other option for us than to fly Prince. It's not that noticeable" Gabby said.

"You're right, Amanda this is it. We do this or fail the quest. There isn't another way" Dan agreed.

I lifted my hands in a what-can-you-do expression.

"I'm desperate, it works" I gave up.

We climbed on Prince and soared to the mountain. The ride was pretty much silent. No one wanted to think ahead to this dreaded mini quest to the top of this mountain to meet with a rebel Titan who may or may not lead us to what we need to save humanity. Whooohooo!  -_-
It was a sunny day with barley any clouds, even though our mood was like an overcast sky. It was depressing.

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh CRAP!" Gabby yelled from the front, "Prince, the thrusters! NOW!!!"

Gabby's emergency shook me from my thoughts. Prince was headed snout-first into a bunch of electrical barbed wire. I noticed that the hum of his engine was gone. His red and blue spikes weren't glowing. We hadn't landed in a while, so Prince had run out of fuel.

"Arghhhhh, he's dead. The engines are failing. Emergency landing. SOMEBODY WITH COOL POWERS OR WHATEVER, DO SOMETHING!" Gabby called from up front. Dan cursed.

"I knew it had been to long since we had landed!" Dan yelled. We had a few seconds until we hit the ground.

James thrust his hands sideways. Water swirled from below us and caught us midair. He lowered the water levels until we touched the ground. Thankfully we landed on the inside of the fence. I looked up at the mountain.

"Oh. My. Zeus. It makes sense now" I muttered under my breath. Then I turned to the group, "Okay I'm going up there, but I only need one other person. Who wants to go?"

"Me. I do. Me. Me. Me!" MK sprang.

"Okay, that works. Up the creepy mountain we go!"

   I've only been hiking a few times before, and I don't love it. The hike up this mountain of death didn't help. Plus, there wasn't a path already. Sigh.

"You know, this is kinda nice" MK said out of nowhere.

"It is, is it?" I snorted.

"Aw, Amanda, don't be like that. What's up?" MK asked.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just stressed. The fate of the world is kinda on my shoulders"

"Our shoulders" MK corrected, "This is our quest. You, me, and the others. All of us share the responsibility."

I huffed, "I'm also scared."


"Everything. That I'm gonna die. Or worse, if one of you guys die or get hurt. I'd never forgive myself. And with the prophecy saying that two will "be forcefully given a knife", that makes me even more concerned. And-"

"Stop. Fear is a part of life, it helps you grow. If one of us, gods forbid, die or get hurt, it's not your fault" MK cut me off.

"That's deep. Thanks"

MK smiled. Then, everything went wrong.

   I was filled with dread when I saw an enormous eagle soaring to the top of the mountain. When the eagle reached the mountain top, a loud, bloodcurdling male scream came from the top. MK stumbled backwards, clutching her ears. I couldn't blame her, the scream hit made me feel so sad and betrayed. The feels man, the feels.

I looked at MK, and we both realized that this mountain was going to be a lot tougher than we thought.


Sorry about that ^. I'm weird. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you guys have had a good year! My New Year resolution is to UPDATE MORE OFTEN!!!! I'm really sorry that I've been neglecting this story, I'll TRY to update this story about every other day. TRY. Also, in the media it is NOT Vanessa Hugens (that's how u spell it, right? Idk).

Bye <3 ^-^ love u guys!!!

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