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"Over there" Madi yelled, pointing to a trailer park.

Prince steered towards an empty spot and folded his wings. He barely missed scratching the trailer beside us. We all slipped off of him, and Dan powered him down. It was time for Prince to rest.

"Ah, Michigan"  Dan inhaled.

"You're from here?" I asked.


I nodded my head and walked towards the road. There were cars zooming by from every direction. I readjusted my backpack and walked along the side walk, and the rest of the group followed. There were run down shops along the sides of the sidewalk.

"All right so here's our plan, first we ask around the main part of town. What city are we in again?" I asked. I began to pull out my GPS when a loud voice boomed from behind us.

"Oi, this ain't no place for dragons!"

We all spun around. I thought the Mist covered it up for mortals. The dragon should have come off as a trailer or a small air plane.

"Um, I'm sorry. We don't know what you're talking about, it's just a trailer" Sadie said while charmspeaking.

"This ain't no place for charmspeaking either!" The man called. His glasses had a slight red glow to the back of them and his biker jacket was pure leather. He was definitely not mortal.

"Wait" James thought aloud.

"What?" I said carefully.

"You- you're Ares!" James blurted out while pointing a shaky finger.

"Well it took you long enough, stupid son of Poseidon!" Ares spat.

"Excuse me?" James snapped.

"You heard me. Your brother earned you a reputation with me" Ares said.

"Really? Me too. Percy has an, what's the word, opinion with you" James decided.

"James" Gabriella warned.

"Listen to my daughter, boy. That's the healthy thing to do"

"What do you want?" James asked.

"Well, your mother sent me to help you, so here I am. What do you need help with?" Ares asked while pointing towards Dan.

"Um, yo- your honor. Why would my mother do that?" Dan stuttered.

"I don't know! Now who's the leader of this quest?"

I slowly raised my hand.

"Okay girl, what do you need help with?"

"Um, nothing at the moment, sir" I answered.

"Of course not! Fine, whatever. When you need my help, do a sacrifice or something" Ares yelled,"These kids!"

Then in a burst of flame he was gone. We all looked around nervously.

"That happened" Megan said.

"Yeah, it did" MK added.

I turned towards the group.

"Okay, so back to where we were before. Let's put that little incident behind us. We are in Lansing, Michigan. Even though the guy at the bus stop said something about states that begin with the letter W, I think he was trying to trick us. Because A: W and M can get mixed up and B: He said something about Michigan. If this place is a dead end, so be it, but I have a feeling. Anyways, we are going to ask around for a formal dance that are in the city. Since Lansing is Michigan's capital I would think that this guy would be here. Got it?" I explained. They all nodded their heads in agreement. We all began walking towards downtown Lansing.

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