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"Demigod! Line up the others along the wall," the Shadow Lord called to Jess.

"Yes Your Greatness."
   Jess snapped her fingers and the demon creatures rushed forward, manhandling my friends and pushing them against the wall. When one approached me, the Shadow Lord pushed them away.

"This one stays with me."

   Once everyone was lined up, the Shadow Lord took a long walk around the throne room, seeming to noticed every detail. He stopped and looked at my friends, careful not to touch any. He was taking in everything about them. He stopped in front of Ben. Ben turned pale, and looked as if he had stopped breathing.

"This one is no demigod," The Shadow Lord said. He reached out and grabbed Ben's chin, gently twisting his head from side to side, studying him.

   The Shadow Lord dropped Ben from his hand. He scrunched up his nose in disgust.

Making a tutting noise with his tongue, the Shadow Lord said, "He seems to be a mortal. But no ordinary mortal. Tell me, scum, why are you special."

Ben did the bravest thing I've seen in a while. He stiffened his body and gazed straight ahead, remaining quiet. A heavy cloud of silence fell over the room the Shadow Lord looked at Ben with a hard glare, and Ben avoided his looks and continued staring ahead.

"I am immortal, boy, while you are not. I can stand here until the end of time until you answer," The Shadow Lord said. He was answered with more silence from Ben. Minutes passed, but no one dared to move. No one dared to Disrupt the quiet.


Ben grabbed his right cheek and the Shadow Lord lowered his hand.
"While I am immortal, I am also impatient."

Ben had a murderous look as he glared back up at the Shadow Lord. He was going to continue his silence, but I wouldn't allow him to be further injured.

"Ben. Do what he asks," I said softly.

Ben sighed deeply before mumbling, "I am from Argatha."

"Ah! That explains much of what I was sensing. It still does not mean that you are worth anything, mortal," The Shadow Lord said, with a glance towards me. "But, it seems that you are worth something to someone else. Consider it the only reason you are living right now."

The Shadow Lord backed up to look at all my friends.
"All of you may consider that to be the only reason why you are alive."

The Shadow Lord strode back over to me in front of the Fire.
"Now, I'm going to ask you a few questions. You will answer them truthfully and thoroughly."

I already knew the answer, but the words were out of my mouth before I could stop.
"If I don't?"

The Shadow Lord scoffed in disbelief. Suddenly there was a thud. I swiveled my head to see Sadie forcefully pressed against the wall with one of the demon creature's razor hands at her throat.

"Same goes for anyone along the wall who steps out of line. So, demigod, I can trust you will cooperate?"

I stared ruefully at him, but I knew there was no other choice. I nodded.

The Shadow Lord waved his hand and Sadie was released. He stalked around me before asking, "You are no child of Hades, yet you shadowtravel. How?"

I knew he was starting out with small questions to ease me into the larger ones.

I understand your game, I thought, I just don't understand how to quit.

"I have a necklace that allows me to travel through moonlight," I said flatly.

"And who gave you this necklace?"

"My father."

The Shadow Lord became smug after hearing this answer.
"Your father. Hm, interesting man. You know, I could never find him. He was good at hiding. Like cowards always are."

Anger clawed at the insides of my stomach, like a monster trying to get out. This was the cliché part where I scream about how my father was not a coward and then I cause further turmoil. I had seen too many movies and read too many books to make this stupid decision.

   I bit my tongue, swallowed my words and remained quiet, continuing to be a punching bag. The Shadow Lord asked more questions, prowling the room, acting smug. I stood still, answering flatly, and trying to catch a glance at my friends. They were my priority. Answer the questions, save my friends.

"So, getting to the part I've been eager to get to," The Shadow Lord said, "I know you have the Flame. What I don't know is how you got it."

"Prometheus told us where it was."

"Mind you I asked for thorough answers. If you want to be vague, do it at the expense of a life," The Shadow Lord said.

I cleared my throat.
"Prometheus told us that someone in the Underworld would know. We found him, a child of Hades. He told us that it was in Argatha. We traveled there and found it in a temple."

"That's the use you had of the mortal," the Shadow Lord waved a hand toward Ben.

"Now, demigod, to the only reason I keep you alive. The Flame. Give it to me."

I swallowed hard. There was no way out of this. No clever glitch. No outsider to save me. No way I could save myself.

I sling the bag of my back and onto the ground. With glance over to my friends, I whispered, "I'm sorry."

"No!" Megan cried, leaping from the wall.

"SILENCE!" The Shadow Lord roared, "I will not hesitate to kill you!"

"Megan. Please." I said, unzipping the bag.

"No! Amanda, I would rather die then giv-" Megan faltered and gasped. Through her chest was one of the demon's razor hands. Megan's chokes echoed through the room and she fell limply to the ground. The only color on her ghastly pale skin was of dark blood.

"MEGAN!" I screamed.

Gut wrenchingly calm, the Shadow Lord spoke, "The Flame, if you would please."

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