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Ben led us to the edge of the temple before saying that he had to leave.

"Thanks for all your help, Ben. It means a lot. Sorry for all the trouble" I said to Ben.

"No problem. I wanted to ask y-" Ben's voice faltered, "Never mind that. Just...be safe"

   Before Ben turned away I swear on the River Styx (yes, I took it that far) that his gaze dropped to my lips for half a millisecond.

   I was in a state of shock as I watched Ben navigate his way through the streets. MK nudged me and I looked away, and began walking towards the temple's entrance. The path leading to the temple was gorgeous, and so was the temple itself. Though, the temple was empty. As we approached it, the empty marble floors came into view. That wasn't hopeful.

"Uh, there's not-" MK started, but Gabby cut her off.

"Yeah, I think we've noticed by now" Gabby said, irritated. She was not in a good mood.

   We reached the temple entrance. Everyone stopped at the edge as if there was some mystical force, or whatever, telling us not to go. My body said no, too. Even though it was completely empty, I knew that something was in there. Everyone was thinking that's same thing, so I asked the question.

"What now?" I asked.

"We go in" James said, and took a step in. My heart started to beat fast, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. My pulse slowed as everyone entered before me. I stepped in last, but just my luck, as soon as my foot touched the marble floor everything started to glow, including myself. The light got brighter and brighter and I had to squeeze my eyes shut. Soon the light faded, and I slowly opened my eyes.

Dread filled my gut.

   I was standing in an empty concrete room that seemed to stretch on forever. I couldn't see any walls, just the floor and ceiling. I took a step forward, and my footsteps echoed out. The floor was so hard it hurt to walk on. It was frigid in here, and I could see my breath.

"James?" I called out. My voice carried on throughout the room.

   An inhuman silhouette morphed so far away that I wasn't sure if I was seeing right. It grew bigger as it approached me. I changed my cuff into a bow and arrow. As I let loose an arrow in its direction, an unnatural, strong wind knocked the arrow and myself aside. My bow, arrow, and dagger disappeared, and reappeared on the floor yards away. I was thinking about running over and getting them, but my thoughts were cut short when I realized that the silhouetted creature was right in front of me.

   I shifted around in my position on the floor so I could stand up. The only problem was that my feet wouldn't cooperate. No matter how much I tried to move them, they stayed still.

"A simple paralyzing spell confuses the little demigod? You're a sad little prey, aren't you?" The creature boomed.

   I slowly looked up with words clogging in my throat. I'm not sure what it was, but it was large. A smirk was plastered across his face as I scuttled backwards in a crab-walk.

"Well, fight me already! Or do you want your helpless little friends to die?"

   I fought back a gasp as I imagined the horrible scenarios my friends could be in right now. I was determined to save them because they had saved me so many times. By now I was mad. This creature had called me weak, captured my friends, and tried to fight me for entertainment. All I could hear was blood pounding in my ears and all I could see was red. Unfortunately I couldn't do much. He had me in a position where I was completely helpless.

"You're completely worthless. I've been keeping tabs on you. I know that you can barely save yourself. Your mommy's stupid moonlight can't save you now"

   His words stung like sleet. They mostly hurt because I believed that myself. This whole time I've struggled to save myself. Almost every time I did something, someone had to swoop in to help me. He raised his club, ready to strike, and for a moment I almost accepted the idea. Then, I remembered everyone counting on me. I had to save Madi, Megan, and Sadie. I had to save innocent mortals. I had to made my dad proud. I had to do this for James.

"Are you sure?" I asked with a sly grin growing on my face.

   In one swift movement I tripped him with a kick and flipped myself onto his back. I then tore a long piece of cloth from my shirt while he dizzily stood up. An evil feeling washed over me as I wrapped the cloth over his neck and pulled. I squeezed it tighter as he began stumbling around. Not after long, the feeling of resistance weakened and his body went limp.

   I rolled off his lifeless body and ran for my weapons. Now to find a way out.

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