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   We landed in some sort of ally way in a run down city. We couldn't figure out where we were. I tried my GPS, but nothing came up. Sadie went to an Indian Bazaar shop trying to charmspeak the owner into giving her a map, but oddly enough they didn't have one. It was like this town didn't exist. I took first watch with MK because I wasn't ready to go back to sleep. James's watch stopped as did Dan's. I had a really bad feeling about this place.

   After everyone got settled on top of backpacks and 2 blankets, MK and I sat on an up-turned trash can.

"You guys are cute together" MK said.


"You and James. Perfect!"

"Oh, uh there's really nothing. Just friends, he and I"

"Yeah, okay. You might think that, but everyone else on this quest knows that there's something more than that"

I didn't reply. I just was confused. I really liked James, but did he like me back? Or at least as much? I didn't want to say anything in case he didn't feel that way, but I thought we were more than friends. Just a little more. We sat in silence with the steady breathing of our friends. Someone was snoring.
MK yawned.

"Go get some rest" I instructed her.

"No, I took first watch, so I'll watch" MK debated, but I could see that she was very tired.



"Come on! I know you're tired"


We had a staring contest. I looked into her brown eyes, as she looked into my blue ones.

"Fine!" She finally gave up. I smirked.

She stubbled across the 'camp' that we had set up and I tossed her my bag.


She curled up on my bag and soon I heard her heavy breathing. I glanced up at the moon, but quickly looked away. I looked straight ahead at the street in front of us. There was definitely something off about where we landed. I hadn't seen any cars at all, and there was only one street light that kept flickering. The only other light came from Prince, who as also snoring away. The spikes on his back were glowing blue and red, casting an erie glow on the sides of the brick buildings. There seemed to be no life except for a few run-down shops.


   I jolted out of my trance when I heard that thud. I looked around, looking for the source of the noise. Madi rolled around restlessly, but settled down.


I stood up this time and unsheathed my dagger. I turned around, but didn't see anything. I couldn't even tell where the sound was coming from, it sounded like it was consuming me. I advanced a few steps and stopped.

I would have to be stupid to go out there by myself I thought. I looked behind me at my sleeping friends. I really didn't want to wake them up.
Then again, I am stupid.

So I continued to the edge of the ally way. As I got closer to the opening at the front, I clung to the wall with my back and inched forwards. When I got to the corner, I peered at both sides. Nothing. So I kept going.

I stepped onto the mossy sidewalk and was hit by a fierce fall wind. My hair whipped around my face and I caught a glimmer of silver. The tinsel thingy in my hair from Artemis. I really needed to get that out.


I know where that was coming from, now. I turned around.

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