Clicking Warriors

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Eventually I made it to the castle.

   I was standing right outside the garden that lead to the entrance of the castle. The information my father gave me finally came back, and I regained control of my thoughts. I wiped my tears, and hoped my face wasn't as red as it felt.

   I carefully walked through the garden, aware that there was probably some sort of trap or security system. The garden was a mix of black and green plants, with the occasional pomegranate plant. Surprisingly, there wasn't any traps, which made me worry. It was the cliche case of
"too easy".

   At the end of the garden was a black iron door. I pushed gently at the door and it swung open. Before me was an empty black marble room. I took one nearly-silent step and it sent a pretty loud echo across the room. Nothing happened, so I continued to the stair case that stretched up to another floor.

   I tip toed up the steps, trying to make minimal sound. All was silent, and it gave me an eerie feeling. Like someone was expecting me.

   The landing was black marble also, and there were dark double doors in the center of the wall. It was the only door set in sight. I clutched my necklace, took a deep breath, and pushed the doors open.

Surprise, surprise, it's empty.

Which makes this even more creepy.

   There was a throne in the center of the room, and really nothing else. A few torches and other miscellaneous things that you'd find in a throne room. I made my way inside and a strange breeze swept through the cavernous room. Walking in the center of the room, I had a feeling that there was someone in this room. I just couldn't see them.

I almost called out 'Hello' but I bit it back. I've seen way too many horror movies.

My friends had to be here somewhere!

   I jogged over to the throne and stood on the platform it was standing on. The room had corners that were in the dark, and anything could be back there.   My mind was racing with plans, where my friends might be. Sighing, I went to jump off the platform, but my sneaker created unnecessary friction and I lost balance. I fell right into the throne.

"Oooph!" I cried as I hit the throne hard.

   There was some clanking from outside the door. I got up and crept to the door. Whatever that was, I knew I wasn't alone. I transformed my cuff into a bow, and barged through the doors. Apparently I hadn't mentally prepared myself for this. The only way to describe what I felt is 'shocked'.

   Two heavily armed skeletal warriors grabbed my arms, and two more held spears to my back. One stood in front of me with emotionless eyes. He made a clicking noise and the other warriors pushed me along the hall.

"Um, hi, would any of you like to tell me what's going on?" I said.

I got silent, irritated looks.

"Okay" I whispered under my breath.

   They shuffled me down the hall to another set of doors. The warrior that was leading the rest knocked on the door.

"What?!" A straggly voice called out in annoyance.

The warrior made a clicking noise.

"Oh just come in" the voice said.

   The warrior pushed through the door into a dinning hall. Alone at the head of the table was a sickly pale man. He was wearing a robe with agonized faces swimming around in it. His eyes were cold and dead. His facial expression was twisted into the most terrifying scowl I've ever seen.


"Who is this?" He asked, gesturing towards me.

   The warrior began the clicking noise again, and I was frozen in fear. Not that I could move, but still. When the warrior was done clicking or whatever, Hades turned to me.

"So you're the one who's been running around my castle"

"Y-yes sir" I said quickly.

"I know you're not dead, and I could kill you with one thought. Send you right to the Fields of Punishment"

"Well, um, Your Honor, I was just, uh, I was just-"

"Do I look like I want your excuses?!" Hades yelled, abruptly standing up, and slapped his hand against the table.

I had no idea what to say to that.

"Put her in the dungeon" Hades ordered.

As the warriors dragged me away, someone crashed into the doors.

"She's with us!" Eric yelled, panting.

"Son, I told you to leave, so why are you still here?" Hades asked

"We were...exploring" Eric ad-libbed, and the others filed in behind him.

Hades sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"If I see you again, you're all dead, understand?"

"Yeah, sure"

"Then take the girl and leave"

"Yep, got it" Eric said, and lightning quick jerked me out of the room. I heard the skeletal warriors clicking on confusion behind us.

Everyone else jogged out to meet us.

"What was that?" Eric nearly yelled.

"I'm sorry, I was looking for you guys"

"And nearly got yourself killed!"

"Listen, I'm sorry, but we have to move on and find your brother"

Eric sighed.
"Let's go, but don't let anyone see you. We're already almost dead, I don't need it becoming reality"

With that, we sprinted at top speed away from the dinning hall.

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