Chapter 12

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Bash pov

Bullets went flying all around, some missing my head, others flying past me. Sam was on my right shooting past all the men in front. I kept on shooting also, hitting one of the men in front of us, it was a headshot. Sweat was running down my eyebrows, we been at this for 20 minutes now and it's getting more gruesome with all the bodies, blood puddles and smears of blood here and there. Sam got out of her hiding place killing everyone in front of her. She didn't hesitate, she kept on firing. One more man to go, Sam shot the last guy in the back  of the leg, she then shot again in his back making him stumble onto the floor.

"Have mercy on me!" He pleaded

"I don't give mercy to those who oppose me." Same said

"You! Over there, help me! She's a monster! Do you know what she's capable of? She's going to kill you when your of no use to her! You hear me she's going to kill-" he didn't finish his sentence because Sam shot him. She turned towards me gun in her hand. Shadows covered her face, giving her a menacing aura. In the next second she's standing next to me pointing the gun at my face. Whack! She hits the side of my head, knocking me over. She points the gun at me and shoots.

"Noooooooo!" I woke up screaming, covered in sweat. *sigh* I need to start calming down and not have this conflicting ideas about Sam being worse than those killers after me. I looked at the clock it was 5:55, sitting up in the bed, I took off the covers and I headed to the kitchen. Once through the hallway I saw Sam on the couch, she was sleeping in a white button down shirt, her legs looking like miles and miles long considering her shortness. Her long black hair was spread out along the white couch pillow. She didn't have a blanket over her, so I went to the closet next to my room and got her a blanket, before I went to the to sleep I went to explore the penthouse and saw everything I needed. Sam was a tidy person there was nothing out of place. I learned that in her room, her closet contained a variety of different clothes from revealing skimpy dresses to turtle neck dresses, shirts, shorts, pants, shoes and accessories in varying sizes. There was one room that was locked though and I couldn't open it. Coming back to the living room I saw Sam on her side, sticking her butt out. Mother of God, she was wearing a black thong. This was not good for my friend down there. I hurriedly went to cover her and she heard me moving, she started to stir and then stopped moving. I covered her legs with the blanket, then I saw that the shirt was unbutton down to the 3rd button. This woman was going to be the dead of my manhood right now. I covered her quickly and waited to see if she would stir again. Seeing her in her sleep, she look much more younger, more sweet like, and yet she still had that aura of being strong. I headed to the kitchen and got my self of glass of water. My stomach growled. I made some scrambled eggs I had my back towards the hall when I heard Sam's feet shuffling. I turned around and there she was, leaning on the wall looking straight at me.

"I never considered the idea of you cooking." She smirked

"Well I've been taught since small how to take care of myself." I smiled to myself. I heard Sam's feet padding towards me, her shoulder brushing against my back, sending shivers down my spine.

"Here I'll set up the plates." She grabbed the cabinet next to me and got the plates and forks. While she reached for the plates her shirt creased at the top and it showed her boob. I turn to face her.

"Uhmm.., Sam I think that you should change. The shirt shows a bit too much." I said trying not to sound perverted. She looked at her clothing and she turned bright red.

"Excuse me, I'm going to change." She clasped her shirt and left without looking at me. After she left I heard a ping coming from her computer. I was curious and went to check it out. I went on her computer and I had to log in. Being me I had a few tricks up my sleeve for being the security director of my company, I put in a various codes to get the username and password but man this computer was more guarded than the pentagon. I suddenly hear a door opening and I hurried back into the kitchen.


Sam's pov

I heard the ping come from my computer and I changed as fast as I could, but I had to change into what I was going to be my new identity. I was now Rebecca Hutchison. She was a high class member of society with various hotel companies around the world. She wore the best designer clothes and the most elegant hairstyles. I wore a red short dress that had one sleeve on the right and that only covered my ass. I matched it with black knee high stockings and black knee high boots. I put on a blond wig with waves and bangs that were a little above my eyebrows. My makeup consisted of a cat eye with some eyeliner. Some mascara that pronounced my eyes and a bright red lipstick. I added some gold bracelets and a necklace that hanged with a diamond at the end. I went inside the closet and got a black bag out. I went behind the long dresses and got a metal box, it contained the some money probably 20 grand. I hurried back to my computer and saw that someone tiered to log in. I'm pretty sure who it was. I threw the bag into the couch. The new message contained the information that I needed to get for the fake passports. The man that was delivering them to me was waiting for us to go get them. I sent him the pictures that we would use. Sebastian was going to as Joseph Aurthur. He had black hair and brown eyes. He wore casual clothes and he would go as my assistant. But I haven't told him that. I checked my phone and texted Logan telling him that we would meet up with them soon. After we got out of the city and look for clues on the people behind this. I also got an alert about detective Smith following my foot steps and he was closing in on me.  Getting out of the city was probably the best idea. I went to the kitchen finding Sebastian eating his scrambled eggs and he looked up. His fork clattering on counter.

*Cough cough*
"Um where are you going like that? I've never seen you dressed like that." He said

"Alright I need you to change into the clothes I laid out for you in your room. We need to move out of here as soon as possible. We're getting out of the city and we are flying to a cabin that I have up in Northern California. No questions please I'll explain everything on the way to the airport. We'll meet up with Logan at some point along the trip he is going to give us an update on the boys and the situation." I checked my watch. "We're leaving in 30 minutes or less, so get ready I'll be getting everything else that we need."

"Alright I'll be back in a few." He left putting his dishes in the sink.

10 minutes later

"Alright I'm done. Now explain just one thing, how the fuck do you put this thing on because I have never in my life worn such a thing."  He indicated the black wig.

"Let's me see. Alright let me just get some gel and a brush." I went into the bathroom and got what I needed. Once the wig was on he looked more like a nerd than I imagined. I smiled unconsciously.

"Holy god! Is that dimples I see? Sam why didn't I know you had some?" Sebastian put his hands on the sides of my face turning it from left to right.

"I was never hiding it for you. I just don't smile a lot like you." I stated nonchalantly.

"Smile once in a while. You know work those facial muscles." He commented. That made me smile even more. His movement was so swift I didn't notice it coming. He bent down, he's lips were so soft and full. He slipped his tongue between my lips and I opened for him. Our tongues twisted and fighting for dominance. The desire behind the kiss was tremendous it sent shivers down my spine. He ravished my mouth, a hot, electrifying kiss. I went weak on the knees, his hands shot to hold me up. Bringing me closer to his warm, hot body.

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