BLT: Boys Like Tomoko

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Tomoko fiddled in her seat unproductively, barely paying attention to the teacher writing down equations on the chalkboard. It was Friday, the day after the practice match with Kaijo and just a few periods away from the weekend. I'm glad...

The team was also pretty worn out from the match, she could just imagine them being just as unproductive as her in class today. At least it was almost lunch time.

However, she sighed; it wasn't fair that Kagami and Kuroko weren't in her class... Albeit their classes were next to each other, it wasn't like she could communicate through the wall. But Kuroko-kun and Taiga-chan also sits by the window, right? she suddenly got an idea.

If she could just stick her head far out enough, maybe she will be able to see her two friends—


Tomoko paused, her head was halfway out the window. She craned her neck back to see her Algebra teacher glaring down at her.

"What in the world do you think you're doing, Okuma-san?" he asked, voice taut.

"Heh heh... Um..." sitting back up straight, the caramel haired girl rubbed her neck nervously, "I was trying to measure the distance between this window and the one next door?"

"Okuma," the teacher shook his head and walked back to the board, "see me after class."

"Yes sir..."



blt: boys like tomoko


"Th-This is chaos," Fukuda, like the rest of his first-year teammates, stared at the crowded cafeteria with horrified awe. Their coach expected them to get the famed Iberian pork sandwiches how?

'Famed' was probably lightly putting it. The frenzy caused by this sandwich was more intense than anything they've seen before. They were like bees in a hive, practically impossible to get through without sustaining some kind of injury.

But, just the thought of having three times the training and footwork if they failed had them shuddering in their shoes. No matter what, they were going to get the sandwiches—

Kawahara stepped up and swung his arms, "Okay, I'll go first! I might not be as strong as Kagami, but I'm pretty confident in my power." However, it took less than three seconds for the first year to be thrown back by the crowd.

—even if it killed them...?

"This is going to take more than a little power..." Fukuda gulped after taking a good look. "The rugby team's forwards... The American football team's linemen... Sumo and weight lifting... We're suppose to get past these guys?"

Compared to the Seirin basketball team first years, those guys looked like they could eat the basketball team for breakfast.

"Sounds interesting." The team was startled by Kagami's sudden comment, his hand balled up in a determined fist. He took off into the crowd, "Let's do this!"

...Only to be bumped back out. Kagami stared at the mass from the ground nervously, the sight reminded him of something he's seen at the subway station. "This is Japanese lunch time rush!"

"You're going American on us now?!"

"We've got to do this together," Kawahara was quick to come back to the group after his initial defeat, encouraging his teammates as they all shared a determined look. "Seirin, fight!"

Sadly, their efforts were in vain. All battered up and trambled upon, the three first years looked about to give up. However, Kagami wasn't ready to face the consequences of not getting the sandwiches. He threw Kawahara on top of the crowd and jumped on him, a trick he learned back in America when it came to concerts.

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