Interlude-ish? We get to hear some exclusive stories from the three first-years on the second string - because they don't get enough love sometimes! Happy holidays everyone! :)
"You know, I've always wondered," Fukuda started, making Furihata and Kawahara look at him with quizzical gazes. They were heading back home in the same direction after the meeting at Kagami's place.
"About what?" Furihata asked.
"About Okuma-chan and who she will end up with."
"What's there to wonder about?" Kawahara furrowed his brows. "I thought it was kind of obvious. Kuroko's amazing, man. He probably already won her heart. I'm jealous of him... Remember that manager from Touou? The one who's practically obsessed with him? Somehow he gets all the cute girls."
"No kidding..." Furihata chuckled. He was jealous of the male, but not in the same way. He has someone he likes in a different class but he was too scared to even talk to her. He was even more scared now, since if they don't win the Winter Cup they'll have to confess to the girl they like naked at the top of the school roof. "But I get what Fukuda is saying. It's pretty apparent with Kuroko but it's harder to tell with Okuma-chan. I mean, remember the time we played street ball? Murasakibara came out of nowhere and he practically had a fight with Kagami over Okuma-chan. She's a magnet for scary basketball prodigies somehow and she genuinely likes them."
"Agh, don't remind me. I can't believe I was sick that day!" Kawahara whined with regret. He had only heard about that later on and he was upset that he couldn't join his friends to play street ball, but the encounter with the Yosen players sounded pretty intense and he was okay with missing that part. "And seriously, Yosen's center is like a menacing giant... But he's also like a spoiled kid who's overly possessive over Okuma-chan! And when he knocked the entire basketball net over during our game I felt my heart give out just a little."
The other two chuckled nervously at the memory. Teppei and Kagami had been up against the giant's Thor's Hammer and they felt that if they were switched in instead, they would probably not be alive to tell the tale today. They continued on their path towards their homes as Fukuda remembered another instance that involved their clueless manager and the monsters known as the Generation of Miracles.
"Okuma-chan and I are in the same class so we study together sometimes," he revealed, making the other two males widened their eyes in surprise. They never knew! "We go to the public library to study but got kicked out halfway through the semester."
"What? Why? What did you two do?!"
"It's not what we did..." Fukuda scratched the side of his cheek as he recalled what happened.
days of the past
Spring term, one Sunday.
Fukuda was standing outside of the public library and was about to wave back at the caramel haired girl when he spotted someone behind her. It was Kise Ryouta, looking completely charming and out of place. He was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses and he garnered some stares from people walking by.
"Sorry, is it okay if Kise-kun joins us?" she asked with a sheepish grin. "I need some help on the English homework and Kise-kun said he was around the area."
He was around the area? Fukuda wondered and suddenly the model's attire made sense. If he had a modeling job around Tokyo, then he would be around the area. Kise did go to school in Kanagawa, after all. "S-Sure," he responded while blinking at the two. "I didn't know you two were that close since Kuroko..." He stopped himself when he realized that he voiced his thoughts out loud. Tomoko blinked but Kise merely grinned and wrapped his arms around the girl, seemingly to emphasize their closeness.

Spark | Kuroko no Basuke x OC
Fanfiction"Anyone who thinks that winning is everything in basketball is an idiot -- but don't worry, I promised Kuroko-kun that I will de-idiotfy you all!" The Generation of Miracles never saw her coming... But, they didn't seem to mind either. "Heh, go o...