I just want to take a short moment and thank each and every one of you. Reading the reviews for this story really gives me that fuzzy feeling of happiness. As you all know, I started college recently and am currently trying my best to get used to the heavier workload. I got terribly homesick the second week and had a bit of breakdown/depressing episode for a night. However, I've recovered after relying on old and new friends, and went back to something that made me happy: writing for Spark. I read through all of the reviews and it cheered me up and gave me so much motivation. So thank you all!
Please enjoy this next chapter, everyone! :D
The day of the championship league was an especially sunny one. To others, the results of this day will determine which two teams will represent Tokyo and advance to the Winter Cup, but Team Seirin had something else on their minds as well. They will be facing Kirisaki Daiichi today, after all.
The captain of Kirisaki Daiichi watched with amusement as his opponents for the day filed into the gymnasium. What intense looks they have. It's sending chills down my spine, his smirk widened when some of them casted a heated look towards his team. The secret's out of the bag, huh... Oh well. The devious expression never left Hanamiya's face as his own team strolled into the building.
"Someone's missing," Furuhashi Kojirou commented boredly besides Hanamiya, his eyes forever blank and uninterested.
"You're right," the captain drawled. He turned to the male who was blowing up his bubblegum, "Hara, why don't you go check on that." A jacket was tossed over and a pop was heard. Hara Kazuya looked up from under his lilac colored bangs.
"What should I do?" he asked, peeling the mint gum off his face.
Hanamiya grinned when he spotted the caramel haired girl running up the many steps of the building. He threw up a hand and waved dismissively as the rest of the team followed him down the hall.
"Who knows? She's a trusting target."
a liar's most useful tool
Tomoko had just finished texting Riko that she was right behind the team when she nearly tripped on the first step up the gymnasium from her lack of attention. She quickly dropped the phone in her bag and made her way up the cement steps. Once she reached the top, she was glad that the building wasn't teeming with people just yet; it makes it easier for her to get through the crowd before the match was suppose to start.
As she walked in, she heard a painful-sounding groan. A male was sitting on the bench next to the water fountain with his body hunched over, clutching his stomach in agony. Tomoko's salmon eyes widened and she rushed over to the male.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?"
He raised his head at the contact of her hand on his shoulder; she couldn't see half of his face due to the lilac colored bangs, but she saw that his lips were twisted with distress.
"S-Stomach ache," he grunted.
"I'll go get you some medicine!" Tomoko said immediately. There was room within the building for treating any minor injuries players might obtain during matches, and she was sure they had painkillers. Before she could step away from the male, he grabbed her arm and tried to stand up. With an unstable wobble, he slumped on her shoulder.
"They won't have what I need," he told her quickly.
"I get these aches often and my doctor gave me a specific brand of medicine. I forgot it at home today," he let out a dry sigh before lifting his head and sitting back down on the bench. He shoved his hands in his pockets and one of them pulled back out with a few bills. "Can you help me? My medicine is over-the-counter and I think there's a drugstore around here."

Spark | Kuroko no Basuke x OC
Fanfiction"Anyone who thinks that winning is everything in basketball is an idiot -- but don't worry, I promised Kuroko-kun that I will de-idiotfy you all!" The Generation of Miracles never saw her coming... But, they didn't seem to mind either. "Heh, go o...