As soon as the tip-off ball went to Seirin, they immediately started to make their first move. Kaijo was pushed to defense and planned for taking Seirin out before they could score. It was a given that they would try create a gap at the start of the game as a precaution for Kise's Perfect Copy during the final stages, but learning from their mistakes, Kaijo was active and on full alert from the beginning.
Kise wasn't fazed when Kuroko immediately used his Phantom Shot right off the bat. Instead, as both teams ran for offense, he grabbed hold of the ball from under the net and shot it forward. The court silenced momentarily when the score tied as the ball slammed into the basket from all the way on the other side where the blonde miracle stood.
"One of the things Kagami-cchi said before the match rubbed me the wrong way," Kise said calmly, his golden pools glowering as he met Kuroko and Kagami's surprised gazes. "Who's gone soft?"
It was not anticipated, but surely not overlooked as a possibility that Kise would ignite his Perfect Copy from the start. Right now, he is able to utilize the special moves that the other Generation of Miracles possess... Including a nearly perfect copy of Akashi's game sense necessary for his Emperor Eye.
This time, Kaijo was absolutely ready for Seirin.
i can't forget
Kaijo's Gymnasium, yesterday.
"...Seirin will definitely try to attack first and take the lead. They're an offensive team, after all. We have to disrupt their plan and change the flow from the start. Kise, this is where you come into play—Kise?"
The mentioned blonde, while facing forward with a serious look, was seemingly not paying attention to the strategy Coach Takeuchi had laid out for the team and didn't answer the man until Kasamatsu kicked his backside with an annoyed scowl.
"Our game is tomorrow and you dare to slack off?!"
"O-Ow!" Kise was jolted from his deep thoughts and cried out. Turning to face the angry captain from the ground, he rubbed his back with a wronged expression. "I wasn't slacking off, senpai!"
"Don't give me that crap! You were obviously not listening!"
"I-I'm serious!"
The team could only regard the first-year with a less-than-sympathetic look as they knew his excuses and antics was really pissing the captain off this time. It was expected since it was too critical of a time for Kaijo for Kise to be slacking off. Kasamatsu looked to be wanting to strangle the blonde and bury him ten feet deep in basketballs. It was only when Coach Takeuchi cleared his throat that the team turned their attention back and saved the blonde from losing his life.
"In any case, we lost the first time because we greatly underestimated Seirin. Kise, if you're not up for it, I will switch you out. Kaijo isn't as weak as to have no chance in winning without you."
"No, coach! I really wasn't intentionally trying to slack off!" Kise widened his eyes and confessed. "I was thinking hard about what to use against Kagami-cchi and Kuroko-cchi. They surprised me last time, so I definitely want to return the favor!"
Listening to that made the scowl on Kasamatsu's face lessen, but he still sighed with an irritated huff. "You're not the only one, dumbass," he said as a threatening grin surfaced on his lips. "But at least brood after coach is done giving out directions. Listen carefully or I'll cut your ears off!"

Spark | Kuroko no Basuke x OC
Fanfiction"Anyone who thinks that winning is everything in basketball is an idiot -- but don't worry, I promised Kuroko-kun that I will de-idiotfy you all!" The Generation of Miracles never saw her coming... But, they didn't seem to mind either. "Heh, go o...