Things went exceptionally well all the way towards Seirin's fourth game, where they beat Meijo High 108 to 41. While their seniors wondered why Meijo seemed to be terrified of them on the court, the three who knew what happened a few weeks ago could only hold their tongues with mirth.
Today they were scheduled to play two games, and Riko also wanted them to observe Shutoku High, since they would be playing before them.
From Hyuuga's explanation, Shutoku, along with Seiho and Senshinkan, were the three immobile kings of Tokyo, making it nearly impossible for other teams in the last ten years to beat one of them and get anything higher than 4th place in the tournament.
However, every year is different. Anyone has a chance to beat them, Tomoko thought.
"If all goes well, in the finals we'll most likely come up against... The King of the East, Shutoku, that acquired Midorima Shintarou of the Generation of Miracles," Hyuuga said.
Kagami's attention perked at the mention of the second Miracle they will face and his eyes narrowed in thought. Next to him, Tomoko went over the name mentally as she tried to remember something.
Midorima... Shintarou?
"But you guys made it to the championship league, didn't you?" Kawahara asked. Seirin had a good chance then, won't they?
The second years all sported a serious look as they thought about Interhigh last year. "Yeah," their captain replied, "but we didn't stand a chance."
"Our seniors definitely aren't weak, but... The Three Kings, huh?" Kagami glowered.
"Hey, Kuroko-kun," Tomoko nudged the blue haired teen next to her, "This Midorima guy... Does he wear glasses, about this tall," she motioned what looked to be a foot or so higher than herself, "and talks about horoscopes? Like a lot?"
Kuroko blinked at her sudden interest in his green haired Teiko teammate. "Yes. How did you know?"
"Ah-ha! I knew it!"
The team gave their manager a questionable look regarding her loud outburst, wondering if she was going to declare something to someone again. Simultaneously, the Interhigh arena rumbled with murmurs and gasps as a team of guys wearing orange jackets filed into the court.
It was Shutoku High.
"Look at them!"
"They're here!"
Their entrance alone had people turning heads, Riko thought in amazement. "It's better to see something for yourself than hear about it," she told her team. This was going to be good. "First years, prepare yourselves. You're going to see something amazing today!"
Shutoku had the entire left side of the bleachers filled with fans and supporters. Their chant for the team was loud, impressive, and just a little bit intimidating. Awestruck, team Seirin could only stare.
Then Kagami stood, "I'm gonna go say hi."
"Sure," Hyuuga said absentmindedly before snapping out of it. "W-Wait!"
"I should too!" Tomoko suddenly said, standing up to follow the redhead. She was stopped by Kuroko. "Hm?"
He griped her hand firmly but gently and he motioned for her to stay put. Hyuuga also wanted her to stay—who knows what Kagami was already up to! He didn't want her to fuel the fire. "We don't need two people running around declaring war on others."
"B-But that's my job," Tomoko pouted, plopping herself back down on the bench. "Besides, I actually know Midorima Shintarou."
Her team stared at her.

Spark | Kuroko no Basuke x OC
Fanfiction"Anyone who thinks that winning is everything in basketball is an idiot -- but don't worry, I promised Kuroko-kun that I will de-idiotfy you all!" The Generation of Miracles never saw her coming... But, they didn't seem to mind either. "Heh, go o...