The team, including Tomoko, whipped their heads around to the out-of-breath cat-like teen that called out for the manager. Class had just ended and the members of Seirin's basketball team were filing in one by one to get ready for the day's practice. Koganei was one of the last ones to show up, and he looked like he was extremely excited about something.
"What's wrong with you?!" Riko demanded at his outburst.
Koganei waved his arm around, revealing a magazine in his clutches. He ran up to the group, still panting, and shoved the magazine in his teammates' faces. "Look what I found in my sister's room!"
"Isn't it normal for your sister to have fashion magazines?" Hyuuga asked as the rest mirrored his confused expression; it was a fairly popular magazine after all.
Meanwhile, Tomoko peered over her taller seniors to take a look for herself. It indeed was like any other regular fashion magazine that comes out monthly... However, this company sounded familiar to her.
Riko rolled her eyes, thinking whether the small forward really waited all day to show them something as trivial as this. "Don't make something out of nothing, idiot!"
"No, not that!" Koganei protested, hastily flipping the pages until he reached a certain section. He held the page up next to Tomoko and pointed to the image, "I wanted to show you guys this! Tell me this isn't Okuma-chan!"
"Woah... No way!"
"That does look like Okuma-chan!"
On the page was a photo of Tomoko in a sleeveless navy button up, cut-off acid washed shorts, and a black belt with metal spikes. She was posing in a crouched position with one arm resting on top of a wooden bat and her eyes were focused right at the camera.
The team turned to their manager in wonder. "Okuma-chan, since when...?"
"Ah, I remember now!" Tomoko did a little motion with her hands in realization and grinned widely, "That was when Kise-kun asked me to model with him."
Kuroko, while impassive earlier, suddenly had a look of unease flash across his blue eyes. The thought of her spending an entire day with his blonde haired model had been prodding restlessly in the back of his head since that day, and now it was coming back.
"Model?! Kise?!" The others went on exclaiming, flipping through a few more pages and saw that the blonde model was indeed part of the fashion shots, along with two other male models and a black haired female model. Needless to say, the pretty female drew a lot of attention.
"Isn't that Yamanaka Saeko?"
"She's pretty popular... I think I saw her on a game show once!"
"Ehhh, she's super cute!"
"I think Okuma-chan looks really cute in these, t-too..." Furihata interrupted his friends as he complimented their cute manager with a deep blush. The others readily agreed. Although the caramel haired girl only had a small section, every shot looked like she was a natural model.
Tomoko grinned from ear to ear with the praises from her teammates. Even she didn't expect the photos to look this good!
"I had lots of fun doing it!" she laughed, cheeks rosy with mirth. "It actually took a few extra takes for me to look like an intimidating 'delinquent' in the photos; Rin-kun taught me how to look scary!"
The mention of a 'Rin-kun' had the team turn their attention to the model she was posing next to in the last few shots. He was a fierce-looking redhead, a bit like Kagami. Together, they looked the part of a delinquent couple.

Spark | Kuroko no Basuke x OC
Fanfiction"Anyone who thinks that winning is everything in basketball is an idiot -- but don't worry, I promised Kuroko-kun that I will de-idiotfy you all!" The Generation of Miracles never saw her coming... But, they didn't seem to mind either. "Heh, go o...