Hey guys! First off, let me just wish you all a happy holidays~ I hope you guys are having the time of your lives and spending this time with the ones you love. I recently finished my first semester of college - the 23rd was my last day of finals - and since then, I've been spending some quality time with family and giving myself some well-deserved me-time. ((And I'm proud to say that I finished off this semester with a 4.0!)) ^_^
Since I was j boolin at home on Christmas Day with the fam, I thought I'd finish this chapter and post it! Think of this as a late Christmas present, from a happy author to her loving fans. ❤
"Okay, go play cops and robbers."
"Again?!" The whole team widened their eyes at the order from Kagetora. That exercise was becoming a routine on the weekends, since it was always the first thing they had to do for the past two weeks. Kagetora, however, was unfazed.
"The losers will do double strength training," he added. They quickly got ready; the game was exhausting but the losing team had it even worst.
"Yes sir!"
Tomoko and Riko walked in the gym just as the team left. They both were carrying plastic bags from the convenience store. The caramel haired manager had caught the determined and dreading look on her teammates faces and giggled. Cops and robbers again, huh?
"How are they doing?" Riko asked as the older Aida turned towards them. His eyes lit up and Tomoko smartly stepped to the side so that she wouldn't get in the middle of their usual exchange.
"Riko-tan! Today you're looking exceptionally—" he cried, dashing over to his daughter to only get a fist in the face. "Owww!"
"I don't care about that!" Riko huffed and rubbed her fist. It was like the more she hung around the man, the more clingier and more embarrassing he gets... "Well?" she repeated. Kagetora stood back up from the blow and pouted.
"They just have to do what they have to do," he said; his voice was being muffled by his hand nursing his face. "On weekends they improve their stamina with fartlek sessions. On weekdays they improve their individual skills. How much more they'll improve in half a month is up to them."
"Endurance training aside, can they really master special moves in less than a month?"
Kagetora hummed lowly at his daughter's question. "The second years... They can probably do it," he said, getting a mental image of Teppei, Hyuuga, Izuki, and the other second-years' progresses. "Airhead already has his style, and he's talented. Four-eyes and cutie have found answers on their own. The remaining three will surely manage something."
"What about the first-year starters? I don't have a doubt that Taiga-chan will be honing his skills with his master in America," Tomoko added before a puzzled expression crossed her features. The man didn't mention Kuroko at all. "But Tetsuya-kun?"
There was a pregnant pause before Kagetora sighed.
"Ah... There's nothing I can do with him."
"Huh?" Riko and Tomoko wrinkled their brows in surprise.
"I've never seen a player like him before. He's like a mutant," he scratched his head in frustration. "It's pathetic, but I have no idea what to teach him. But, well... I've given him some advice. I told him about the wall he's likely to hit soon..."
There's always a way. No walls are unbreakable, Tomoko thought silently, looking over towards the woods where her blue haired friend was practicing. Her thoughts mirrored the older Aida's. But...

Spark | Kuroko no Basuke x OC
Fanfiction"Anyone who thinks that winning is everything in basketball is an idiot -- but don't worry, I promised Kuroko-kun that I will de-idiotfy you all!" The Generation of Miracles never saw her coming... But, they didn't seem to mind either. "Heh, go o...